
Out of context: Reply #32

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  • mikotondria30

    When I was a smoker, and worked in an office, I would take 4 or 5 smoke breaks a day, and never feel the need to justify the fact that I needed a little break, to get away from the tasks at hand, have a little reset and a relax, and come back to the office refreshed and revved up for the job.
    I would grudginly ignore the non smokers with their white teeth and ability to stay inside for 8 hours, and their little 'hand waves', which, combined with an exaggerated wrinkling of the nose, and a derogatory 'sniff', meant that they could smell the smoke on me, and didn't like it or approve.
    Well guess what - I'd think, you're fucking ugly and I have to look at your stupid fat fucking face all day, but you don't catch me screwing up my petulant little face-hole everytime your foul photons leak into my eyes like 2nd hand ugliness, do I ?
    Then I became a non-smoker, with white teeth, and sometimes a little hand-wave. Honestly, it really does fucking stink - bad.. You all look ridiculous, unable to go through one minor stress, or a whole hour or 2 without nipping outside to chuff away - I turn round to ask you something - something I need to know, and that you in your capacity as [your position] need to be there to tell me, and you're outside on the pavement in the rain - it fucks me up. Then you come in smelling like you've trodden in something, and breathe your stupidity exhaust all over me like it's friggin phosgene, and it near makes me gag, and I tell you in fervently righteous terms that - I - am - non - smoker, and - you - are - inferior..
    Fuck the people that have never smoked, they can't play this game of officially sanctioned rudeness, but I was an horrifically addicted helpless junkie smoker for 15 years, and I never thought I'd be able to quit because I would pick up cigarette butts in gas stations, or old cigars from the trash and smoke it and feel worthless and helpless and stupid because of my addiction, and I will always be this way, everyday, for the rest of my life, so I CAN play like this, cause I was worse than all of you, out there with your dozen weak puffs on a low-tar Menthol cigarette, 3 times a day - I was the king of foulness and shame and I kicked it, so fuck you if you don't like my little hand waves or my sycophantic underhanded little gripes about your god-given right just to fuck off the job whenver your weak frazzled little nerves get the better of you. Sit down, do the work, don't stink, and smoke on your own time when I don't have to watch your pathetic attempts to control yourselves.

    • *I don't really have a problem with smokers, or smoking, I just need to vent to keep myself 'sober', and not smoking.mikotondria3
    • loljuhls
    • tldrJnr_Madison

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