
Out of context: Reply #35

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  • locustsloth0

    i would posit that the "stressed nons" here are just stressed people who happen to be non-smokers

    i have never habitually smoked cigarettes in my life (cloves a couple times in my late teens, but that's it). i lived in a very small house with 3 smokers. The kind of smokers who would rummage thru the ashtray for a butt that had just a little bit of tobacco in it. Never really bothered me.
    In fact, when i first went away for college, when passing someone who was currently smoking, i would actually get homesick, cause it reminded me of friends.
    Of course now, as a parent, my view has changed a bit. i have no problem with smokers taking breaks, as long as there's no noticable drop in productivity because of it. but if i see another parent in the car or even in the general vicinity of their child, with a cigarette in their mouths, i feel that disdain for them that miko mentioned

    • I agree.Jnr_Madison
    • Agreed, but it's different if you have a health issue, of course. And the smell gets everywhere.juhls

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