
Out of context: Reply #5

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  • mikotondria30

    The least intelligent people simply parrot and paraphrase those things said by the most 'intelligent', and I'm hesitant to use that word to describe them, religious people. Religious ideas themselves are pretty simple, what takes some intelligence is to be able to effectively and concisely lance them and reveal them to be false or downright nasty in as entertaining way as possible.
    Bill Maher might be a bit of a smug tosspot at times, but he's my kind of smug tosspot, and he'd wouldn't be true to himself if he tried to make a high-brow intellectual critique of religion rather than just mocking its inherent idiocy the way he does with his other material.
    A smart 8 year old is still as right when they declare that religion is false as Christopher Hitchens is when he's debating Rabbo Shmuley.

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