Porn at your house?

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • ali0

    Personally I don't see the harm if it's in moderation and used to enhance the relationship not replace it.

    On the good side it could spice up a mundane sex life and give couples some good ideas to try.

    On the bad side it could become addictive, mask sexual or intimacy issues within the relationship, feed or create unhealthy sexual interests or habits or lead to infidelity.

    The issues I think woman have with porn is that they think their man may compare them to the porn stars and not be able to live up to that image and feel like they are not enough to satisfy their partner. Also that her partner may not put in as much effort for a good sexual experience if he has been jacking off to porn all day. Good female porn is also hard to find, most porn seems to be made for a man's brain.

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