Fuck Newspapers

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • colin_s0

    paying for news is INCREDIBLY important.

    newspapers are traditionally - and should remain - the public record. sure, organized news screws up from time to time, but most news on the internet in any aggregate form is based on the NYT or WSJ or the tribune company.

    there's a reason wikileaks and snowden have worked with the guardian / nytimes / der spiegl. newspapers have foreign correspondents and the available space to write complicated, immersive stories that actually tell us about the world we live in. they don't rely on soundbytes or out-of-context clips in order to narrate.

    complaining about newspapers charging for an incredibly important service is ridiculous.

    • yup. frankly i'm tired of hearing idiots go on about how we don't need 'em anymore; should be free. good luck w/ ur 24hr perez hilton feed.prophetone
    • hilton feed.prophetone
    • if they can't figure out a way to make money through advertising then they should close shop._niko
    • There's way too many papers out there anyway, all feeding us the same stories. The old model is dead._niko
    • and what do smart people like yourself subscribe to?_niko
    • democracy, freedom and as few news stories about lindsay lohan as possibleprophetone

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