- AI Websites

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • monNom0

    You know how you see a nice wordpress template, and it's all polished and looks really nice, and then you buy that template, and you give it to someone, and they add their own photos to it... all 90 of them, and they add their their own long-ass headlines in BOLD/RED/CAPS/UNDERLINE, and they add their own list formatted content with 130 bullet-points, and the really important ones are BOLD/CAPS/RED/UNDERLINE/ARROWBUL... and that all goes on the homepage, and somehow it just doesn't look as nice as that template you thought you bought?

    Well no amount of AI is ever gonna fix that issue.

    • It could, depending on the intentional limits placed on formatting/volume/et...i_monk

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