Weird Sleep / Dream Habits

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • microkorg0

    I have the same recurring theme in my dreams all the time.

    Usually takes place in derelict buildings or old cinemas or schools. Being chased by something, sometimes with old friends from childhood too. Never see who is chasing so don't know if it's cops, aliens, monster, ghost ....

    Some dreams take place in a house, maybe a new one we've moved into. At some point I discover one of the doors can't be locked properly or that it leads to next doors house and again is not lockable.

    • Do you feel you are going in the right direction in your life? anything unresolved?yurimon
    • i have this dream recurring too... start with exploring a new place and then sometimes it turns into being chased or hiding from somethingmonospaced
    • ^ your dream means you are running from the truth. your subconscious knows when your awakened state dont.yurimon
    • and your words are the diarrhea that your brain is having because of the shit it eats, and therefore your diagnosis is both pointless and complete shitmonospaced
    • you are repressing something broh its your dream.. dont tell me.yurimon
    • i would say know you is you are running from a higher spiritual path that is an aspect of truth and entrenched in the lower materialism of this worldyurimon
    • meaning you are entrenched in the material world for security, and ignoring another aspect of yourself. sorry phone typinyurimon
    • you're wrongmonospaced
    • if you're talking about me, that ismonospaced
    • according to toaist health practices. your repression will end up as a disease or an emotional crisis. repressed emotions in toaism are circulation blockadesyurimon
    • You hear that micro? Yuri is a Taoist dream philosopher and he's got some doom for you. ;)monospaced
    • everything is motion and circulation. if there is a blockage it effects circulation in different aspects of the body prevents a healthy flow. tension is alsoyurimon
    • not a diagnosis but good to see how toaism handles health. pretty good.yurimon
    • I have had these dreams for as long as I can remember. The paths/ways/emotions change thru life but my dreams stay the same. So not one source.microkorg
    • They don't scare me and it's cool seeing inside old buildings.microkorg

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