Cringe of the day

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • Gnash1…

    ...I mean, after Trump was elected, I thought I might be fighting a totalitarian regime that would be locking up activists and journalists. And perhaps it seems hyperbolic, but I kept thinking: If it came to it, would I be willing to die for a cause? The way some non-Jews hid Jews during WWII; would I have that courage? Or at the end of the day, am I too afraid, selfish, weak? Not a real man...

    • something tells me this guy's 'rage' if ever manifested would be beyond gentle in appearance... like a toddler throwing a tantrum at bestPonyBoy
    • "I sporadically attend an anti-racist/anti-sex... white male group (yep, those exist)."
      lol. this has to be someone trolling salon.

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