Comment of the day

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • sofas0

    "When I was in Primary School (For you no English that's 3 to 11 years old) there was an older kid, I say older but he was just 11. Anyway, he arranged a great escape. The school play ground linked to the teachers car park through a big ass field we wasn't allowed on. From the car park you could climb a gate to get out. So, on the day a break time the kid sounded a whistle (No joking) like a war horn and about 300 children sprinted across this field to freedom. Some kids just running for the hell of it, some following out noble leader like me. Teachers sprinted out, grabbing us and forming lines to stop us. About a dozen of us got through and made it to the car park, but a few teachers were there having cigarettes so they tried stopping us. I was caught meters from the gate and saw all but one child hop it. The older guy. He was chased by the history teacher but got back home and spent the rest of the day playing video games.
    He's in jail for murder now."…

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