Avengers: Infinity War

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • mantrakid0

    I was fully 100% convinced going into this that it was a one-off, and not like half of a 2-parter. I saw some article today talking about false advertising and it kinda clicked just how 'finale' they seemed to be marketing this... no real mention of it being like part 1 of 2 but really, that's what it is.. Found that strange. DOCTOR STRANGE

    • yeah I thought it was the last one too... I think thats why I enjoyed it so much.Al_dizzle
    • yeah it was that feeling that things would be resolved by the end... like... like every movie.... like however bad it got pulling nebula apart and ...mantrakid
    • ...Stripping GOTG to ribbons, there was this suspension of dread -- that things would get resolved in the end...mantrakid
    • ... then .... it just....mantrakid
    • ... ended. with the panicked look on peter parkers face. and the sun setting...mantrakid
    • I feel like it was that marketing / presentation misdirection that gave it it's most heart wrenching effect.mantrakid
    • The Peter Parker bit was a wrench – the fact that he apologised to Tony Stark for what was happening, not the other way round. His last thought was that he...Wolfboy
    • ...let Iron-man down.Wolfboy
    • aw man... heartbreaking. what a perfect spiderman/parkermantrakid

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