Capt J-L Picard

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • Nairn0

    My best chum was surprised at how non-plussed I was about this, given that much of our friendship was founded decades ago by our love of ST:TNG (and cannabis...).

    I'm just not giving a shit about TV or Movies in advance, as everything gets so hyper-inflated by expectation (mostly the internet's, not mine) so by the time it comes around I'm often a bit deflated by the reality.

    This way, I don't give a shit and if it's good - great, if it's not, bleh.


    I hope it's good - I wasn't in the 'Discovery is teh evilsss!' camp so unless they've made some serious missteps, I think it'll be fun. Or not, I don't care. I do, obvs.

    • I saw the first episode.
      It's not ... offensive.
      But it's not great, either.
    • that first episode of Picard, one minute they're in france, next they're in San Fran, oh look, they're back in france ... stay in one fucking country please!Bluejam

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