Joe Biden of the day

Out of context: Reply #55

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  • kingsteven13

    • AOC? No thanks. She's so annoying.NBQ00
    • still miles better than the stale burger and moldy fries that is Trump & Pence.tank02
    • I voted for one guy, another guy got more votes and won. Crazy world we live inyuekit
    • ^ its a expectation/reality meem people.kingsteven
    • +1 AOC and Sandersi_was
    • I prefer AOC to Sanders as a Progressive. She's always extremely prepared and seems up to the task of the huge undertakings Progressives aspire to.CyBrainX
    • Bernie gives me the feeling he's all talk and nothing would get done unless he had an amazing cabinet. I'd trust Warren more than Bernie too.CyBrainX
    • warren/aoc could've been a great ticket.renderedred
    • didnt realize so many of you want to end up like venezuela. post this in america is fucked thread. ¡patria, socialismo, o muerte!hotroddy
    • I ran rather end up with Venezuela than Hitler's Nazi Germany or Mussolini's Fascist Italy any day of the week.utopian
    • enjoy no running water, electricity nor gas! plus highest crime rates in the world bc
      (like BLM) fighting crime is no priority
    • As much as I want to make fun of some of the ignorance in this one (sup hotroddy), AOC was never eligible for VP. Too young, so this isn't even a thread.garbage
    • @hotroddy why is everything left from you venezuela. it's like all capitalist countries are fascist. there are different ideas you know...renderedred
    • AOC and Bernie would make a mess of the Americas. (and I mean more than USA) Let the FARC and ELM take over south america.hotroddy
    • oh, and by the way, sanders and even aoc are far, very far from a socialist.renderedred
    • for example: biden/harris = moderate right wingrenderedred
    • That the same FARC that renounced violence and dissolved in 2017? Or is roddy talking out his fucking arse again?face_melter
    • And don't mention Márquez, he's a fucking wingnut tilting at windmills.face_melter
    • Oh face_palm.. defending the farc are we?hotroddy
    • No wonder Aoc is not far left enough. We have people defending terrorist organizationshotroddy
    • i will post my antifa id soon for you ;)renderedred
    • and if you didn't pay attention you're living in a fascist/racist dictatorship... if you're from the u.s.renderedred
    • AOC is awesome at all levels.oey_oey
    • hotroddy is right, you should be grateful the ticket isn't Bernie & AOC, unless you enjoy communismernexbcn
    • bernie and aoc are centrist, maybe slightly left of center. that's not communism.renderedred
    • New alert. There is no communism. The only communist country left is Cuba. And it's on a life line thanks to petro dollars of 'socialist' venezuela.hotroddy
    • They are so fucking dumb they even let the goose that lays the golden eggs rot away, there's not even gasoline in Venezuela nowernexbcn
    • I'm sure they'll find a new parasitic relationship with AOC and Berniehotroddy
    • @renderedred PSST PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYBODY ABOUT THE SECRET ANTIFA ID CARDS. Hotroddy doesn't know about them.. yet.garbage
    • Much prefer Kamala to aocnb
    • Actually, I want Kamala as presidentnb
    • AOC is only 30 years old guysyuekit
    • She'll be future president someday maybe, after all the boomers die offyuekit
    • I hope I don't have to point out that you have to be 35 to be president and AOC is 30.CyBrainX

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