Designing a website in 2020?

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  • ideaist1

    I. IF you're keen on using Squarespace (as the example site has), head to, start an account, select a theme and then add content and edit accordingly. It call this platform a "turn key" option with ability for light modification(s).

    II. Otherwise, I think you can still design a 1:1 desktop site and hand it over to a developer who (if design(s) are simple enough) can easily mobilize it.

    III. AND a final 2 option(s), which is what I do these days:
    i. Build your site from scratch using WordPress and a "skeleton" theme where you wrap your "form" around the "function" of WordPress.
    ii. Use a website "builder" ( I use DIVI with my "agency") where you can rapidly prototype a layout, add content and then "polish" using custom css, etc.

    #Godspeed @jagara!

    • "It call" = "I'd call"

      ; )
    • No Squarespace, it was just an example :)jagara

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