Vaping CBD?

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  • ideaist1

    Try a CBD / THC hybrid.

    Everyone has a different mix of what they want/need.

    I prefer a higher CBD blend these days as the feeling of being "stoned" (like you) incites anxiety in me these days, where as in my "golden years" it had the opposite affect.

    Health is wealth; mentally and physically my man / @jagara.

    : )

    • You can also try some oil; toss it in your tea/coffee BUT tread lightly.

      "Sip it, don't rip it" is my motto especially trying a new blend for the first time.
    • A CBD / THC hybrid vape oil? Those aren't available here. Not legally, at least...jagara
    • But thanks :)jagara
    • Sorry, it's edible oil. Like drop a bit in your mouth and it absorbs in your system.

      I'm in Canada, SOOO it's all legal.
    • Look for Harle-Tsu strain. High CBD, low THC, hard to get stoned from it.TheGreatGlorpo

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