New GM logo campaign

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • shapesalad-3

    Companies should really dig deep into the ecological affects of their logo design, the inks used to create their shades of blue - are they from sustainable sources, low carbon footprint, non toxic, compostable. Would making the logo 10% smaller across the board save on earths resources. The plastic/metal logo badges on cars globally add weight to all cars in the world - replacing them with a stick could cut emissions by 0.00001%

    Have they considered the computer screen watt usage to displaying their logo? A slightly darker shade of blue could help cut emissions. Perhaps making it all black or a thin blue line on black background would globally cut emissions by 0.0001%

    • Talking about companies of big scale. When a logo is used so widely at scale it has an impact on the environment and they missed a chance to address that.shapesalad
    • *sticker. 0.000001% just a guess.shapesalad

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