Explain to a non-designer - web success

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • cherub1

    But also to expand on mono's point... if they had put just an ounce of actual effort not into the form of the website but the um, aesthetic I think...

    Then maybe things would have gone a different way?

    But that still wouldn't solve the problem of the hard to type URL and invite only signups.

    • different targets mate: pinterest is for bloggers and regular folk, ffffound was for designers and creative types, more of a niche, get it?grafician
    • Yes. Too niche to appeal to anyone but it's own kind. Kind of like "living in oblivion" for filmmakers.cherub
    • It's more polished and commercial looking for mass appeal.mort_
    • It's a filmmakers inside joke about filmmaking.cherub

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