Jack of all trades ...

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • Hayzilla1

    Firstly I think you need to bulk out that site man. Your portfolio is only 4 things to look at. Get as much run-of-the-mill B2B things in as you can. Especially UI/UX if possible. You also need an about me page.

    Sorry I haven't looked for a job in 17yrs so can't advise much on that side of things.

    • That's been my concern too. I do a ton of work - I have my art site too at colinsmith.art - but not all of it directly applies to employmentcolin_s
    • & so part of this is navigating what aspects to put forward, basically positioning what parts of the 9 different things I do to promote effectivelycolin_s
    • imho, leave the art and the excess of personality out of your main page focused on showing work for the purpose of gaining employment. "KISS"Nairn
    • Ok, "Keep It Simple, Stupid".
      I'm sure you know that, but the amount of times I've said it and had ???! as a response..! :)

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