Works In Progress

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • cherub1

    I'm working on a website, I can't post the code of course. But I'll say it's drained the life out of me, with all the headaches every damn time something doesn't work and I can't figure out why. It's my first big website.

    I like html and css but I get tripped up trying to organize it all, I end up giving stuff id's when I think it's better to have classes, but I don't exactly know the use of those yet... well in a general sense I guess it's so you can do stuff en masse to an element rather than laser precision. Isn't it?

    The PHP was so ridiculously hard. At first I hated backend. Maybe I still hate backend. But turns out php is also extremely powerful, so I ended up respecting it.

    My work in progress, is still ongoing... site is working now tasked with adding more features.

    I just wanted to say, this work in progress I'm thankful for, it taught me about flow, inline vs block, all that good stuff most of you have known for years.

    • I never style with ids, only with classes.
      I use ids only for elements I want to control with javascript or as #anchors for hrefs.
    • Try Webflow - it's thinking in code, but visualgrafician
    • and I keep them unique (only 1 html element has the id).uan
    • ^that's the part I struggle with, when I sit down and try to think...ok what elements would I want to treat as a group and which need to be uniquecherub
    • So far I'm treating everything unique. And I don't know how the stylesheets should carry over from page to page, like what css header stuff is global(it gets recherub
    • used on every page) and which css stuff belongs in the body. I can't organize it all in my mind.cherub
    • So I end up with inefficient, disorganized code although superficially it does work. Then my mentor told me it's harder to maintain messy code.cherub
    • Again cherub (you might hate me anyway), but telling you, get Webflow and start using it! No more writing code and you build pages visually. Less hasslegrafician
    • Webflow is CMS. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't webflow essentially just dumb down the html/css? It acts as a middle man between you and the code?cherub
    • On the surface, one disadvantage comes to mind. If you are handed a site that wasn't created with that CMS system (it was coded by hand), how are you gonnacherub
    • understand the code enough in order to maintain it? If you can't code by hand. What skill will land me the most gigs? Hand coding html/css or some type of CMS?cherub
    • I'd like to land some freelance work building websites. Which is the most useful skill to know? School me, QBN.cherub
    • Look it up man, lol
      Sure, it has also a CMS but that's optional, you can add blocks of html, then style them then animate them. Real easy and you learn faster!
    • Funny, I thought QBN would be more opinionated on the matter. You've got no advice to give an aspiring web designer, QBN? Am I on the right forum? lolcherub
    • Start by updating your homepage.uan
    • good call.cherub
    • Nobody seems to want to pay money to have sites designed. Its all cheap templates and themes for this and that.webazoot
    • More of my work now is fixing websites that companies have put together via the above methods which have broken.webazoot
    • Or for bigger design agencies who can't figure out how to do something that they should be able to do. Maybe its just me.webazoot
    • I'm not a super coder or anything but I know how to figure a problem out and fix it.
      Is not helpful when it comes to trying to make a portfolio tho.

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