Architecture of the Day

Out of context: Reply #1430

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  • Fax_Benson3

    Peter Barber wins 4 RIBA awards for London social housing projects.


    • good luck with the birds that nest under those arched porches.shapesalad
    • thanksFax_Benson
    • Those arches are designed so feral cats can live up there and feast on pigeons and keep the rats away when the garbage doesn’t get picked up post Brexithardhat
    • How could this win awards? Maybe part of the push for ultra-conservative arch. The UK is way behind others in so many ways.formed
    • This is social housing, so 'done cheap'. Not sure how this is 'way behind others in so many ways', esp. given one of our major cultural exports is architecture.Nairn
    • you claim architecture as english culture? :-)uan
    • Me? I'm not sure, at all, that I suggested that. It is a facet of our culture, just like it is for all cultures.Nairn
    • Why wouldn't it win awards? this is really very good affordable housing.
    • The arch appear to be out of proportion with the rest of the house...very top heavy. What does the inside look like?

      What doe sth inside of these
    • lovely view of that public bin out the window. plenty of noise from the traffic. miserable.shapesalad
    • I struggle to understand how you've apparently made it near two decades in London, shape.Nairn
    • I'm a grumpy sod but you're next level, shape. There's no traffic and no litter in the pic. Not sure the architect has control over either anyway.Fax_Benson

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