HP Lovecraft

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • garbage6

    He was a hack tabloid writer whose personal cosmic horror was being an unfuckable racist worm that lived in his mother's attic. The real horror is his shit prose.

    Doubt me, or read his wonderful poem, "On the Creation of N*ggers".

    Or read about his support of the KKK lynching people in the south because he thought Southerners were right to use "extra-legal" measures to prevent proliferation of non-whites and, as he termed it, "mongrelization" of the human race.

    Or all of his whining about Jewish people, or the time he said of Hitler "I know he's a clown, but I like the boy!"

    No doubt that he helped start a genre, but thankfully more talented and respectable people overtook his ideas and expressed them beyond his capabilities.

    • Naggers?babydick
    • he was an absolute C word... and you're 100% spot on with everything you wrotenecromation
    • Agreed. Fuck that ugly cuntbabydick
    • Necromotion - you're a Londoner. Of all the people in the world, you're amongst the few who should write the C-word out in full without any judgment.Nairn
    • tho, i spose it has more power, not incantedNairn
    • Cracker.
      There, I said it.
    • Phyllisdyspl
    • ^wrong postdyspl
    • my daughter loves jacob's cream crackers and i get no end of joy putting on a likely-unPC southern drawl and offering "Hey lil cracker, wanna cracker?"Nairn
    • I agree with everything you say.PhanLo
    • Yes. Creepy arrogant overrated blob.MrT
    • Phyllis stays.garbage
    • "but thankfully more talented and respectable people overtook his ideas"
    • The big duh answer is Stephen King. The longer answer is the anthologies of comics, books, movies and videogames that draw from the Cthulhu Mythos.garbage
    • Nairn, forgive me mate lolnecromation
    • King is not comparable to Lovecraft, King is commercial TV compared to Lovecraft.i_was
    • "movies and videogames that draw from the Cthulhu Mythos"
      That draw from Lovecraft himself
    • “Lovecraft. . . opened the way for me,” writes Kingi_was
    • Shut your stupid mouth garbage.i_was
    • my hero better than your hero!pango
    • Tolkien was a cuddly little racist old man too, as I've pointed out on here before. I still like the Hobbit and LOTR and all the things those books inspired.PhanLo
    • Tolkien was a racist now, eh. Smacks of hyper liberal post post-hoc absolutist revisionism. ie. made up bullshit.Nairn
    • https://theconversat…Nairn
    • 'On the creation of N-' truly is though terrible, lol.Nairn
    • I think you're right Nairn, I had always thought that Tolkien, based the Orcs on his experiences fighting in WW1 based the orcs on his enemy.PhanLo
    • Had a look online and seems I was wrong, seems he even wrote to his German publishers to say he wasn't Jewish, but wished he was in response to them...PhanLo
    • ...asking he was aryan.PhanLo
    • Tolkien is a more complicated case, because his massive self-edits were fueled by his constant re-evaluation of his morals. Samwise is the hero, don't @me.garbage
    • @i_was and HP wrote for tabloids because he was a really shit writer in peak high modernity. He really didn't have a way with word.garbage
    • ^yes that's why King despises him, he's a shitty writer, not worth a penny.i_was
    • Now you're not even trying. King thinks that HP's ideas pioneered modern horror, and King is worth half a billion. Try harder.garbage

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