Suggest a good movie…

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    Fight Club

    The 1999 film by David Fincher originally ends with the Narrator (Edward Norton) killing his split personality Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). With the female lead Marla Singer (Helena Bonham Carter), he then watches all the buildings explode outside the window and collapse, suggesting Tyler’s anarchist plan to destroy consumerism is in the works.

    The exact opposite happens in the edit of the same film released in China. In the version on the Chinese streaming site Tencent Video, the explosion scene has been removed. Instead, viewers are told that the state successfully busted Tyler’s plan to destroy the world.

    • Nuts!mort_
    • Blockbuster did similar morality editing but less sinisternb
    • Tyler Durden goes right to the Uyghur re-education camp & everyone lives happily ever afterGuyFawkes

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