Write a short story about

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • 28 Responses
  • scarabin1

    Write an erotic ballad about the users of graphic design forum QBN.COM

    Come one, come all, to the best design forum on the net!
    QBN.com is the place to be, whether you're a beginner or a pro.

    We've got all the tools you need to create amazing graphics,
    And a supportive community to help you every step of the way.

    So come on in and join the fun!

    You'll find us creating masterpieces day and night,
    And sometimes we just can't help but get a little frisky.

    When the creativity starts flowing,
    We let our inhibitions go,
    And we explore every inch of each other
    Until we reach ecstasy.

    So if you're looking for some hot action,
    You know where to find us!

    Come on over to QBN.com,
    And let's create some beautiful art...

    ...and some unforgettable memories.

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