Out of context: Reply #760

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  • microkorg3

    A Million Heroes (百万雄师)

    • Twitters trash previews! Piece is 8000x6000 and crisp as hell ;)microkorg
    • mid journey?inteliboy
    • I don't see a million of thempango
    • put it on ethereum, gas is so low right now... I wish crypto crashes would happen everyday lolcherub
    • I paid $4 the other day for an ETH transcation... unheard of right? I've never seen gas this cheap. I love it.cherub
    • if you use the same prompt, you get the same image?

      if I use the same prompt, I get the same NFT? :)
    • Cherub. it's on right now for the 1/1 event but priced as if it was on eth. If it doesnt sell there then the series will be going on FND/KO.microkorg
    • Inteliboy. yes midjourney. Graf, no not a single prompt. Everything is midjourney created but lots of elements brought into one composition.microkorg
    • Large 'painting', illustration, typography, each stamp is an output, paper, textures, dirtmicrokorg
    • Pango, the concept is these are recruitment posters to build a million man army to fight the dragons woken by the building and damming by Yu the Great.microkorg
    • MJ and Dalle not capable of making such layouts that make absolute compositional sense as this ... yet. ;)microkorg
    • did u at least design sth. at a substance level or just arranged 13 components that u listened above...neverscared
    • concept first then many many prompts to get the assets I wanted.microkorg
    • Theres a whole fictional story behind this collection based on Chinese history.microkorg
    • i guessed not then... nuffin from zero i mean... no texture.. type line or else...everything prefabricated...neverscared
    • Yup. The calligraphy isn't even genuine Chinese, it's what AI has created to replicate Chinese. Which I think makes it even more epic.microkorg
    • as to someone who doesnt know chinese this could look like a legit piece of chinese ancient art. But IYKYK it aint. ;)microkorg
    • oiright of course definitons for epic vary... some say epic some say boring.. because not a lot of skill needed..neverscared
    • since that guy who bought the tweet from dorsey called that thing the new mona lisa...i´am skeptic than nft bros know epicness in art history...neverscared
    • there has been so many "new mona lisa" but all forgotten already. the most known attribute of mona lisa is it's fame. This painting doesn't even come close.pango
    • What skills would be needed to recreate Pollock, Rothko, Emin, Herrera, Basquiat? Or is the greatness in their art the concept, the story, the originality?microkorg
    • Art does NOT require skill.microkorg
    • art is smoke in the air. poop on the side walk. you hopes and dreams. your nightmares. art is everything and nothing.pango
    • Yes Pango! The people that tell us art must follow rules, be this, that or use specific skills are so, so wrong.microkorg
    • tho i agree kills help but it is not required. i still think this generated painting looks like shiet lol but that's just my opinion.pango
    • *skillspango

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