
Out of context: Reply #74042

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    Would like to be in the UK now, and get the day out.

    Totally destroyed, tired and all this funny things you need on a monday with the table full of works to be done.

    Yesterday been taking wine and beers for 10 hours, no lunch, no dinner.

    "Fantastic, you're a total idiot, you're in your 50's, you're going to be f***d for a week now..." Am saying to my reflection in the mirror this now.

    • Not in the UK and I'm three pints and 1/3 of a wine bottle in.
      At some point you gotta decide for yourself who you gon' be.
    • For you both to consider: https://hubermanlab.…shapesalad
    • I'd rather start the day with 30 weighted push ups, a round of resistance band exercises, a wheat grass + faba bean protein shake and cheese omelette.shapesalad
    • Followed by plenty of yerba mate and later on in the day a cycle ride or run.shapesalad
    • Yes shape, I'm an idiot for drinking, I know... but gosh, i have a great time too... I have promised myself to be good until spring, I promise ;)OBBTKN
    • Don't be so hard on yourself. That existential dread will pass. We can't all have the great life of ShapesaladIanbolton
    • What would you do if tomorrow was your last day?Chimp
    • @Chimp…
    • Shape living la vida oca, *HONK*Nairn

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