Nice Week

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • 33 Responses
  • palimpsest-6

    Niceness, oh how sweet the sound
    Like a gentle breeze, it's all around
    In acts of kindness, it can be found
    A precious gem, so truly profound

    It's the smile from a stranger's face
    Or a comforting embrace
    A word of praise, a thoughtful phrase
    Niceness can brighten up our days

    In a world that's often cruel and cold
    Niceness is like a warm stronghold
    A beacon of hope, a light to hold
    It melts away the bitterness of old

    Let us all be nice and kind
    To each other, let love bind
    With every gesture, every sign
    Niceness will surely make us shine

    So let us spread it far and wide
    Like a river, let it flow with pride
    Let it be our constant guide
    And in its warmth, let us abide.

    • worst doggerel everhans_glib
    • The fact that somebody here knows what a doggerel is surprisingly nice. Who is downvoting a five-stack A B C D E rhyme scheme?garbage
    • "phrase" and "face"?? i feel sicksarahfailin
    • Nice week is for everybody.
      Everybody is not for nice week.

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