
Out of context: Reply #74784

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  • PonyBoy6

    Hey... all you Adderall-addicted fucks who treat that shit like your daily happy hit(s) of cocaine... you're hogging it from all the folks who actually need it (ie my Wife). She's on day 9 of it being out of stock... DAY FUCKING 9 of not being able to take something she actually needs / her body has been used to having for decades now.

    That shit is ridiculously hard to come by at the moment... FUCK all of you who don't actually need it but for some reason can't live without it. <3

    • damn ... it's prescription only right?monospaced
    • yes... "The rise in ...prescriptions was driven by adults 22 to 44 years old increased 58 percent between 2018 and 2022"PonyBoy
    • https://www.washingt…PonyBoy
    • Woah! So sorry Kevin, take care of her. Hugs <3OBBTKN
    • I do my best to avoid taking it, but some days I’m unable to function so I bite the bullet and pop one. Supposed to take one a day but 30 last me 4-5 months_niko
    • If she’s on 20 mg rx I can send her some to get her by :) send yo fax!_niko
    • I'll stick to microdosing psilocybinYakuZoku
    • Sorry to hear Kev :(YakuZoku
    • what does Adderall do? Isn't there anything else to replace it with? Maybe even non-drugs solutions?milfhunter
    • It’s kinda like medical grade speed. *ducks for cover***monospaced

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