Fun Stuff from the Freak

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  • Bio0

    man i miss those days in the apartments.

    who would have thought that we would be where we are today... hell, for that matter, who would have thought we would still be living. heheheh. somtimes i am amazaed that we all survived... well... most of us survived.

    life is nutty man. i hope you and brooke get to make it out this way! we'll have a blast and i will play your ears off. haha.

  • seas_of_rhye0

    how do Bio and lifeinsodium know each other? just out of curiosity...

    miss nosy

  • lifeinsodium0

    part 4...

    Each week I would go to the clinic hoping for progress and that the butcher would take it easy on my foot but she showed little mercy.

    She'd take the bandage off and would start playing with the wart with a scalpel as if she was having the time of her life. She'd only stop until it would begin to bleed. Then she'd put some of that acid crap on it and put a bandage on.

    The clock was ticking and she gave the wart one week to disappear. If the wart refused to oblige she swore that she'd unleash the fury. I told her not to take it so personally but soon this turned into duel between her and the wart.

    Then came THE week. I was walking towards the clinic wondering if tonight was the night...

  • Bio0

    bio (eric) and lifeinsodium (saf) know eachother from several years back. though i dont even remember how we met anymore.

    saf and i went to the same university and later lived in the same apartment complex. saf is an incredible guy. a nicer dude, there is not.

    i remember how everyone in our complex would sometimes go outside and play instruments and goof off. great times. i think those will be some of my fondest memories as i get older. though i plan to make many more fond memories in the future! hopefully saf (and maybe some of you all) will be in some of those as well. =)

  • lifeinsodium0

    part 5...

    This was one of the longer walks. I did not see Bio or his beer bottle or his guitar on my way out. It was always one of those combo deals where if you get to see one you would most definitely see the other two as well. I often requested Bio to play that Def Tones song, that I can't seem to remember the name of, which he used to sing with his friend Kyle. Bio and I went to the same university.

    Thinking of a thousand and one things I enterted the doctors office. Ms. Foot Specialist looked at me and smiled. She knew that today she would have her way with the wart and win the war. I didn't agree with her ways because I like peaceful solutions but she promised me this was for the greater good.

    She asked the nurse to get the army ready and to bring the weapon of mass destruction. I laid down as she put her gloves on. The nurse brought in all kinds of knives and other sharp objects.

    "Let's have a look at it then", were her exact words. In a second I'd know whether this would have a peaceful or a bloody end. She took the bandage off very slowly as if to create suspense out of something really stupid - much like how I am doing right now.

    Off came the bandage. She had a careful look at the wart under the lamp and said: "It seems to be gone. Completely."

    The End.

  • ********

    damn, saf, could you stitch those parts together and send me the book! :P

    seriously, i might read that all tomorrow, now i can only have short eyes are blurred and they feel burnt___


  • lifeinsodium0

    i can't believe i typed out that entire story. maybe i should make into a short book.