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  • Fariska0

    So this client wants this site done by thu. the design was completed friday and finished to be HTMLd today. Now in these days they're keeping asking for changes here in there, they're not sure about this and that and bla bla bla. Their approval process is like, one PR person talks to us then signs off the designs so we can start building while she sends over to the board (because is the board that approves everything) so that the designs can come back with more amends just when we're done building.

    • Tell them GFY. but do it politely.canuck
    • If the agency was mine i'd do that. But since it is not i have just to shut up.Fariska
    • In the future try to have set milestones for every step in the process, which includes review...
    • ... and the potential for time estimates, and dates that come after to change as a result.
    • We usually do this way. Fact is this is a temp website to gather opinions. It's pretty a small thing. the big one would be the site after that.Fariska
    • ... site after this one. And then we will handle (and stop) them with care.Fariska
  • chossy0

    I was out on a shoot today operating the clapper board and bits and bobs as I am a bit quiet with edits at the moment and it was nice to be out of the office to be honest, I'm eating my lunch at home just now, some nice vogels bread and cheese nummy nummy nom noms. Although I have eaten quite a bit :/. I think my kitty likes it when I come home for my lunch I think it breaks up her day quite nicely between trips to her shitter and wee chomps and drinks from her bowls, sometimes I feel quilty for leaving her some days I dinae give a shit.

  • ********

    I gave away my Rasko "new world order" teeshirt. New. To a skinny guy half my age.

    • how comecanuck
    • i'm too old for teeshirt not emos and not skinny
    • you're never to old to be emoscanuck
    • I lost mine years ago. I say 'lost', some cunt stole it, I knows it.
      *shakes fist at no one in particular*
    • i had to donate mine to goodwill cause i couldn't fit in it anymore... :(Greedo
    • I never could fit in mine--bought it to be supportive
    • I wanted one before.Jaline
  • canuck0

    At the end of December 2007, approximately 938,000 unclaimed balances, worth some $320 million, were on the Bank's books. Over 86% of these were under $500, representing 19% of the total value outstanding. The oldest balance dates back to 1900.…

  • ********

    I moved over more than 300 Contacts from my old piece of shit mobile I've been clinging to - to my Outlook Contacts in preparation for a future move to either a BlackBerry (w/ Sprint) or iPhone (w/ AT&T).

    Currently I have Sprint ... have honestly never been happy with their service ever, but I have had a phone with them since high school. Their rates and shit are trash, especially when I found out after looking at my bill that Mobile-to-Mobile on Sprint only meant in talking minutes, and not text messages to other people on the Sprint network. Yikes, haha.

    Ugh. Basically I just want a plan that is roughly 120 a month tops that has unlimited data transfer (including text messaging...) and then I guess the only thing left would be a good phone. I have people on AT&T and Sprint that would make having either okay for the mobile-to-mobile phone minutes.

    I think I really want an iPhone, but I don't want to look like a fanboy really. I mean, I use Microsoft everything to be honest, hell I've worked with Microsoft in the past, haha. But the iPhone upgrade last week did enable them to connect to Microsoft Exchange Server for e-mail ... so really there is no reason to not change?

    Basically I just fucking hate making decisions.

    Or I hate making decisions that basically have no bearing on anything. Like, "Where do you want to eat?". I never ever care. And I guess I really don't care about this either.

    I just want someone to tell me what to do so I don't have to fucking debate this in my head anymore. And basically the debate is how much less of a loser will I look with a BlackBerry versus an iPhone.

    Either way I think I'm going to look like a tool, but the fact I've made it this far without a PDA to me is mind boggling; and either now would greatly enhance my ability to do work outside the office which is where I spend most of my time.

    Finding WiFi and carrying my laptop around all the time has been pissing me off lately. Especially when it's all hot out.

    ... Hrm, should probably hit clear on this one, haha.

    • This may sound stupid too, but AT&T has a mirror phone. I'd like to get two phones on my plan.
    • So when I'm out getting drunk I can have a phone that is basically a throwaway w/o clients on it.
    • do you want the iphone so you can play music? or just to play with it? might get old after awhile, i'd say get a nice palm or something7point34
    • ... and play with yourself HEY OH!!!7point34
    • seriously just get whatever the fuck you think would be fun. you don't strike me as someone who gives 2 shits7point34
    • ... what people think of you. who cares if they think you're a fan boy? hell, i already do, poser7point34
    • hahaha damn it you're not helping! Hrm, well I don't have an MP3 player I guess - dinnae think of that.
  • Greedo0

    moving sucks. don't do it. unless it's not you that's moving, cause then there's usually free beer and food in it for you...

    • Agreed. Next time I move I'm getting movers. No ifs/and/or/butts about it.
    • it's not the actual move that's so bad, it's the fucking living out of bags and boxes that kills yaGreedo
    • Eh, I'm used to that, haha. It's the manual labour that gets me.
    • no, its the actual moving... it's a large pain7point34
    • +1 flav. don't mind manual labor, i had a labor job for almost 5 years.7point34
    • its the back and forth, up and down. stairs? fuck you. live on the ground floor you dick.7point34
    • Pay movers.canuck
    • lol i've NEVER lived on a ground floor, i must be KING DICKGreedo
    • Haha yea, I feel all the manual labour I did growing up makes me exempt from anymore ever.
    • Hell, it's one of the reasons I got into computers. What's the heaviest thing I have to pick up? My paycheck?
    • That's fucking direct deposited so I don't even have to lift that fucking thing.
    • good thing too, what are making now? 8 figures?7point34
    • Did I forget to log in as hedge?
    • I've never paid for a mover--always did it myself, and it always seemed to be about a hundred degrees out
    • Yea. I've been lucky with my moves, but every single person I've helped it seems to be unbearable.
    • My cousin was moving from PGH to TPA and it was just me and him packing his U-Haul and it was so hot, I sweated completely
    • completely through my fucking shorts ... my shorts. My shirt was drenched, my shoes were like a pool.
    • I was never so happy for rain, even though that was fucking hot too. At least it didn't look like I was sweating profusely anymore.
  • ********

    ominously, the sea gulls seems to have been replaced by their antimatter counterparts, the crows. in other news, my yearly nemesis, Randlefly, has returned

    • crows were liquidated by west nile and for 5 years there were none, all roosts empty. this year a few west nile resistant crows are back
    • are back. maybe the seagulls, so far from the sea have been afflicted with west nile?
    • Ulysses suppoosedly walked inland with an oar until he was asked " stranger, what is that you carry?"
    • the seagulls are all busy at the moment shitting on my car...Greedo
    • the black stuff is urine btw, the white feces just like newspapers
    • its the other way around, the dark is shit the white is urine. so not like newspapers, more like magazines.
    • http://everything2.c…
  • ********

    "Dear friend, your commitment has meant so much to me over the course of my presidential campaign. You were there for me when I needed you the most and I'll never forget it. I hope you'll help me continue to fight for the issues and causes we believe in by filling out the enclosed form in support of Friends of Hillary."

    "I hereby verify that my 2008 general election contribution may be designated to the 2012 Senate election. I designate the entire amount to the 2012 primary election. However if I have already contributed to the 2012 primary, I designate any amount in excess of $2,300 to the 2012 general election."

  • Jaline0

    I was bus-rubbed/hit many times today. Some guy (he was kind of cute, I suppose) kept bending down to push his bag and ended up brushing up against me whenever he had to move to the back of the bus. Another guy was standing sideways and had his backpack on. It was getting shoved into my face, and I had to move forward a bit. By the time that occurred, my stop finally came, so that was good. I bet some people thought I bailed because I kept getting hit, heh.

    • Good cop bad cop. They were working together.Spookytim
    • heh, there were more people. But it's interesting. some seats are worse to sit in.Jaline
    • Bus rubbed.chossy
    • frotteurs
  • ********

    gonna play snooker in an hour orso

  • Jaline0

    JK has the Prada: Bloodstained Shoe ad in his Feed:…

    • Don't mind me. I'm just excited about other people actually going through my Flickr and FFFFound.Jaline
    • Actually, JK has a good idea for the Feed here since I don't show any work, haha.
    • Kind of like the best of the best on my FFFFound or something.
  • ********

    Fuck you Pukkelpop, whats that? Soulwax ? Mainstage? kiddin?

  • ********

    Well, these Nike threads are a welcome change to hedge.

    Reminds me of old school PVN hijinks.

    • did you see my rainbow motivational poster remix?
      did anyone?
    • yeah, but I feel like there is more nudity and more sexist comments, which I don't like. It's hard to explain. Overall, I obviouslyJaline
    • obviously love hanging out here, but I'd like to see a variety of opinions. I suppose that's what you get with mainlyJaline
    • having male members of a site. Too bad for me. (don't mind this rant, carry on)Jaline
    • Maybe I'm being more of my feminist self today.Jaline
    • I think that was brought about when the PVN was able to embed images.
    • This is also the reason I disable images.
    • yup, I do the same. I regret what I posted now, hahaJaline
    • NOES.™
      Link it Seven Dot.
  • Jaline0

    I noticed something about the Batman commercials lately. In advertisements, at least on radio commercials, they are promoting it as, "starring Heath Ledger".

    Hmm...intentional, disgusting, and not that surprising.

    • though his is easily the break-out and star performance of the film7point34
    • Sure. I thought he was great in Brokeback Mountain but obviously many refuse to watch it.Jaline
    • Yea, but didn't everyone see that coming? I mean Best Buy put out makeshift tables with all of his work.
    • Anyway, the point is that they never mentioned Christian Bale or any of the other prominent actors.Jaline
    • Like hours after his death or whatever. It's not Nolan I'd bet my life, but Marketing people are Marketing people ... heh.
    • Yea, which is ridiculous, because he was fucking awesome in the first one and is going to be awesome again.
    • yup, flava, "not that surprising" :)
      I think school has taught me to analyze more and get pissed off ;)
    • Just because it's a sequel doesn't mean the actual star should be any less dimmed.
    • off after watching or listening to anything ;)Jaline
    • oh noes, note disruption alert! :)Jaline
    • yes, Christian Bale is so damn awesomeJaline
    • hahaha
  • canuck0

    who is the hoser that fekered up the pvn ?

    • I blame 2cents for anything Nike-related.Jaline
    • Or it could've been TBO with this thread:… but it seems like a parody too, so I can't be sure.Jaline
    • can't be sure.Jaline
    • I guess i'll return once it's normalized.canuck
  • canuck0

    I'm 4 away from 8000. what a waste.

    • If that's a waste, I am the ultimate waste.Jaline
    • (besides JazX)Jaline
    • 3canuck
    • I'm twice the waste of you, and Jaline is twice the waste of me.
  • ********

    This image really bothered me way back in this thread. I think mainly because it was from, and it boggled my mind as to why he would be writing something down and having someone scan it in - or use a handwritten type font to make an image like this.

    To the point like ... I never tried it, but the fact that, "and there's nothing you can do about it."

    Well guess what.

    I can fucking do it.

    I can fucking do it, Jeff Bridges you fucking asshole.

    Actually he's not an asshole and I think he's awesome, haha. But I fucking hate statements like that above.

    I fucking hate them.

    So I can do it. Granted I should probably thank Sr. Annina and Mary Thomas for forcing me to write with my right-hand in grade school as a result.

    Reason being is that I write most of my words upside down with my right hand as a result of being a true left hander, haha.

    So yea ... fuck off!


    • mutant.canuck
    • hahaha
      It bothers me when my parents claim that left-handed people are more inclined to be ambidextrous and smarter in
    • ambidextrous and smarter in general. They're probably right about the ambi thing, but they say it in a condescending way. I think it's becauseJaline
    • I think it's because my mom likes my brother a lot, and he's left-handed. Plus, in Hinduism, if you are left-handedJaline
    • they make you use your right hand anyway. Using your left hand is supposed to be bad. I disagree.Jaline
    • So she feels sorry for him in that respect, but also likes him more than the girls, in general, hahaJaline
    • (I think left-handed people are adorable. The way the ink smudges all over the place and how they hold a pen...)Jaline
    • left-handedness is a birthdefect. southpaws have a shorter average lifespan.7point34
    • It's also weird to me how they play sports. Like tennis...Jaline
    • (sorry, my lesser right-handed brain is attempting to grasp how a lefty can play certain sports...)Jaline
    • hahaha, mothers love their boys more, and fathers love their daughters more.
    • It's actually a benefit because I can do most things moderately well with both hands in sports.
    • i'm kidding but there was actually a study that tried to prove this7point34
    • Like I can shoot basketball with my left or right hand. As a child it was more like a parlour trick on the playground or school.
    • I think I remember hearing/ reading about it. It's because the world is made for right handers, so the possibility ...
    • ... of a horrendous accident for a left hander during the life as a result is minuscule but higher than right handers.
    • I knew someone would bring up the mother/son and father/daughter thing. My mom likes my sister too ;)Jaline
    • left hand = the devil.flashbender
    • Haha because it's usually me. :D I'm my mom's favourite by far, but she does treat my sister a lot differently.
    • That being said I'm also the baby.
    • yeah, babies are babies :)Jaline
  • 7point340

    for flav:

  • Mimio0

    Just the other day I was remarking how interesting an actor Steve Buscemi is, then I find out he's filming a movie a block away from my house with that kid from Juno and Superbad. Weird.

    • PIITB7point34
    • Was a New York City Fireman from 1980 to 1984.canuck
    • no way, canuck..interesting indeed. I feel like the same crew of actors do those types of films.Jaline
    • (referring to Steve working with people from Juno)Jaline
    • The girl from Juno played Treena on trailer park boyscanuck
    • http://en.wikipedia.…
    • Ellen Page is fucking smoking. And hilarious. Best of both worlds.
    • And Canadian! The best of all possible worlds.... okay that was obvious pandering to the two canucks here.
    • hahaJaline
  • Jaline0

    I was just thinking about this song:

    "Ho, Ho, Sideline Ho, Youse a ho, youse a ho, sideline ho

    [Verse 1:]
    When you called his phone, did he pick it up
    Noooooooooo, cause we was makin love.
    Did you meet his moms have you met his kids noo ooh o did you know my kid is his
    Noo ooh o.

    Get your shit togehter youre makin a foolof yourself, it don't matter if he spends the night his home is
    somewhere else Ain't you tired of being on the side line, tired of getting yours after i gets mine baby
    second place don't get a prize when you gone relize you wasting your time baby ain't you tired of him
    leaving you broken whip and he rolling and ain't you tired of when you need a little change and he lie
    about what he holdin, ain't you tired of spending all the holidays alone, tired of being his little
    sideline ho"

    How hilarious would it be being a backup singer?

    "Ho, Ho, Sideline Ho, Youse a ho, youse a ho, sideline ho"

    All pretty-like.