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  • ********

    ok, this should do the job…

    now finding some programmer ass

    • what do you need it to do?7point34
    • html / css and something to popup realsize when I click on the polaroid things
    • nice, you made the text darkerJaline
    • Why does everyone fail at linking images to imageshack? http://img525.images…
      Stupid non-programmers.
    • yes, and bg is also 50%
    • and blurred
  • sodapop220

    hello, here i am.

  • ********

    jaline, I had to set the movie dimensions as wide as the widest image because I don't know how to make moview width/scrollbars change dynamically according to whatever image is loaded via xml

    • would love to do it
    • I see. I have yet to learn more about this.Jaline
  • Greedo0

    i'm considering having more children just so i can have them shovel snow like the army of jalines...

  • Fariska0

    Still trying to fuck off somewhere else. Harder than i expected.

    • stop trying, just let it happen...Greedo
    • I knew I'd regret using that phrase
    • everything was alright.Fariska
    • orsoFariska
  • Greedo0

    where the fuck is canuck?

    • somewhere very cold
    • I woke up in the middle of the night with this same question, and that was the answer
    • I'm going to be within metres of him next week.Jaline
    • Thousands of metres, but still.Jaline
    • He may have been killed by Maple Leaf fans after their thrashing of the Penguins on Saturday.
    • Quite possible.Jaline
  • sodapop220

    jumping right in cause i heard this was the best place to vent..
    *clears throat
    no snow to plow here but i did see this guy over the weekend, we are each others "first love". we hadn't seen each other for over 15 years... i think i'm in love again.
    am i crazy or what?!

    • shelly?Greedo
    • don't try guessing who i am.. answer the damn question am i crazy?!sodapop22
    • it's probably the mirth talking7point34
    • It's not Shellie. Don't think she'd have a huge number of exclamation marks. Unless that's what she wants me to thinkJaline
    • Actually, I think I know who this is now.Jaline
    • Dinky?
    • smack it to me geniussodapop22
    • crazy is shitting in your pants and pulling your hair out, you never get over your first love, just do itGreedo
    • am probably over analyzing every move on his part. but he didn't want to kiss me, but he laid in bed with me all weekend. insisted he didn't want to confuse me, why do men do this sort of shit?sodapop22
    • he insisted he didn't want to confuse me, why do men do this sort of shit?sodapop22
    • bad sign
    • its usually women that pull this shit... try asking straight out?Greedo
    • will do thanks.sodapop22
  • Fariska0

    What's the status of you two? Busy or available? If the latter, give it a go.

    • were both available. he spent the weekend with me. no physical contact other than lots of hugging, arrgh!sodapop22
  • ********

  • Jaline0

    It's "Jon", not "John".

  • moamoa0

    almost every thread is bullshit. and not one is funny.

    • luckily we're all safe within the walls of blog7point34
    • High moamoa?
    • forgot about that!
    • high. hai. yes. aye.moamoa
    • Make some T-shirts, I never get tired of those QBN t shirts.
  • ********

    where is nils?

  • ********

    The video opens with Jack Rebney sitting in the Winnebago, complaining that he has to be able to move. He then gets up and starts talking about the Winnebago's bathroom, but forgets his lines and says, "I don't even know what the fuck I'm reading". It then cuts to a scene where Rebney, rubbing his temples, exclaims "I wonder what the fuck the real dialogue is!". A man is shown walking across the screen as Rebney asks, in reference to a windscreen wiper, "What the fuck is this thing?". The man walks up to assist him as he says, "Call it the windshield, for fuck's sake." The next clip is a Winnebago by itself, and Rebney can be heard saying, "Oh, fuck". Then, Jack is in the middle of a parking lot and says, "What? What the fuck did I say?"
    The next two clips are again of Winnebagos. In the first clip, Rebney asks "That didn't sound for shit, did it?". In the second clip, he explains that they are "Building a fucking industrial film", and he's "Trying to give these guys everything they can get. I mean, that's it, fuck it." That clip quickly skips, and Jack appears to be explaining how a frame-mounted handle is going to help one to not fall out of the RV, at which he laughs and concludes, "You big dumb son of a bitch!". Again, he yells "I don't even know what the fuck I'm saying!" as he strolls away from the RV. The next clip shows Rebney holding open a panel on the side of the mobile home, and getting angry when he accidentally lets go of it, to which he says, "Gotta do it again, right now.". A similar instance occurs again, this time with him waving his arms in frustration afterwards.
    The next sequence of clips is just Rebney cursing, in this order: "Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! Oh, fuck! SHIT!." We then return to the same setting as the first scene, and he asks his assistant Tony to "do him a kindness," to which Tony replies "Leave? I ain't gonna be walking in and out if you're gonna fuck up and I gotta come back in here...." Rebney replies with "That doesn't make any difference to me at this juncture", and as Tony departs the frame, he says "I appreciate that, Tony... Don't slam the fucking door! No More!". He then explains that he does not want any more bullshit from anyone for the rest of the day, including from himself. He explains that it is going to be very hot and uncomfortable outside for everybody, and that if there is any more yelling, "The shit is gonna hit the fan!"
    The next two clips are Rebney getting furious because he can't remember the lines he wrote, saying things like "I fucked up the word rear", "What does the Goddamn line say, Tony!?", and "I don't give a shit what the line says." The next few scenes are him irritated about the presence of flies near (or on) the RV. He says "Shun of a bitch. Get out of here, you fuckin' flies.". Then Tony is seen walking toward the camera in the next scene, with Jack off-camera, saying "We have flies coming for us. Fuck!". He tells Tony to make sure they don't get a fly in the shot. Rebney then becomes extremely agitated at the flies, swatting at them with his hand yelling "Get outta here, ya Goddamn jackass!". He takes matters into his own hands in the next scene, sneaking up on a fly and crushing it in his hand. The next few scenes show Rebney even angrier about flubbing his lines, exclaiming "I can't fucking make my mind work!". A tired Rebney then politely asks Tony for a towel. We see the towel fly in from outside the frame and hit the Winnebago; Rebney did not see it coming, explaining he was "Blinded by that fuckin' hot light.". The next scene is Rebney in the Winnebago driver's seat, yelling "Goddamn son of a bitch!" After that, he is seen climbing down the back of the RV, shouting "What do you mean? I'm gonna fall off the fucking thing!"
    The next couple of scenes show Rebney back inside the Winnebago, exclaiming "Bullshit, I'm gonna slate this fucker!" and how he "...don't got time to mark this motherfucker down.". In the next scene, Tony says the camera is still rolling, to which Rebney replies, "Well, turn the fucking thing off!". Rebney then says, in reference to Tony, "You dumbass." and "Man, I'd like to kick your fucking head in.". We then see Rebney walking out of the Winnebago telling us to "Meet innovation. Money!" He flips a coin into the air, but swats it onto the ground when he tries to catch it, gets angry and goes to pick it up. After a few more scenes, he starts making noises with his mouth.
    Then we go into a montage of different scenes where Rebney says, in this order: "Son of a bitch! Jesus Christ! Fuck! Shit!". A couple of scenes later and we once again have Rebney frustrated because he "Can't remember the Goddamn line.". He tries to tell some customers about Winnebago "accoutrement," before exclaiming "Accoutrement?! What is that shit?". After a couple more scenes of Rebney explaining how his mouth "Gets so Goddamn diuretic" that "it never stops," we see the penultimate shot of him inside the Winnebago, musing that "It ain't worth it. Not this shit. It ain't fucking worth it."
    The final shot shows Rebney confidently talking about the "Mini-Winnie" being part of American tradition, with which he concludes, "D'you believe any of that shit?"

    • great videolocustsloth
  • Jaline0

    hi, flavorful!

    You can't see the hug at the end, after Smith gets the overtime goal, but it was cute. It was like they won the Stanley Cup! The whole team hugged on their end of the ice.

    Not sure if they will make the playoffs this year, but I know they have potential. The team seems to have a huge problem with scoring this year. For example, Fisher, Vermette, Kelly, etc. never score, even though some of them get paid a lot.

    • GET A BLOG, YOU TWO!7point34
    • P.S. Jason Smith is going to win their internal mustache competition
    • How are the Pens doing?

      (did you hear 7.34 say something?)
    • well actually i typed something7point34
    • hi, 7.34. how's life?Jaline
    • haha good and you?7point34
    • pretty good.Jaline
    • hahah, yea, there is nothing like the jubilation of an OT victory. Partially because rite then and there it's over.
    • Pens aren't doing too much better than the Sens to be honest. We got Fleury back, but it's taking him time to get back in the swing of things.
    • I see. Well...good luck.Jaline
  • ********

    finally saw part of darjeeling limited. seemed tedious beyond belief.

    • i've heard v for vendetta was good7point34
    • I started to watch it on the plane but it was so unbearably cliché and pointless I watched... well. anything else.
    • I was going to watch this film, but now I'm not so sure.Jaline
    • love wes anderson films, this one no exception. pure awesomness.sea_sea
    • you'll be wanting to replace the air that just escaped your head, I assume?
    • L
    • the arc of his films ascribes an inverted U
    • I saw it a few weeks ago. Visually great as always, and is a good, albeit, long film.
  • omgitsacamera0

    working on the blog today
    since i have nothing to do between now and friday except sleep and pack

  • ********

    dull and dullest

  • Greedo0

    i feel like wes anderson's characters in each film become richer, snootier, and more tedious. he hit some sort of critical mass with darjeeling, where none of them were appealing in the least and you could give two fucks if they ended the movie ten minutes in by laying on the tracks in front of the train.
    sure looks pretty, tho.

    • This seems accurate (going by his other films). The cultural part will probably interest me.Jaline
  • Horp0

    Sodapop, its not him, its you -

    The problem is that you are a piece of shit.

  • janne760

    Tonight i will see two Anderson films! Looking forward. Especially the one about Derjeeling or something. I invited a lot of my friends to join me.

    I am looking forward to a great evening!

    • Will you be watching VforVendetta before or after Darjeeling Ltd?Horp
    • = fapping alone in front of the laptop?Greedo
    • Horp, how did you know it is V for Vendetta? I think after Darjeeling. I jsut don't know which one is better!janne76