Best Movie Posters
Best Movie Posters
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- 466 Responses
- arne0
- v.good
_me_ - movie about tampons?hotroddy
- Is that a lollipop?bainbridge
- yup, dopeprophetone
- designer didn't understand the book. just playing on clichésGnash
- well done thoBen99
- Gah, kinda makes me cringe********
- what @gnash saidfadein11
- v.good
- akikojuanluisgarcia
- Great movieBen99
- Was this film as good as the original?antimotion
- ^ I'm late to the party here, one of the better shot for shot remakes.ben_
- nb0
- the names should be switched********
- contractual agreementsjuanluisgarcia
- This is actually extremely common in movie posters, I've noticed. To have the bigger star on the right, in the image, with the names not matching up.nb
- huh. just really noticed it on this one. id say fuck the man and switch it.********
- https://uproxx.files…nb
- ah shit. well thanks. Now im going to see it on others and its gonna grind my gears.********
- http://images.moviep…nb
- Yeah, it's something I've noticed since I was a little kid. It must be intentional, as most of the time you see two people it's a comp, right?nb
- You think they could just reverse the image if name order is contractual or something.qbner
- Right. I'm saying it's intentional. To have the names opposite the person. It maybe catches your eye?nb
- evens out the billingimbecile
- The client will check for the order of those names first before even noticing you had a sodomized nun in the poster.CyBrainX
- the names should be switched
- antimotion0
- New Gaspar Noe film!antimotion
- Cuming Soonbrandelec
- cripescruddlebub
- awful type but great imagefadein11
- not sure if arousing or gross.********
- hoppa74-1
- Great film!antimotion
- Speilberg's first filmmonoboy
- title spelled wrong!?monospaced
- < German release printhoppa74
- Interesting.monospaced
- ben_2
- dopepope1
A lot of these are basically fan art movie posters, made after the fact, sometimes years later, and sold as such.Don't get me wrong, all of them are amazing, but they weren't used to advertise the film really. Shouldn't calling something a movie poster be an actual movie poster?
- all of them are not amazing... I agree.fadein11
- Poster for a movie = movie posteri_monk
- poster - [poh-ster] noun
1. a placard or bill posted or intended for posting in a public place, as for advertising.juanluisgarcia - movie poster = marketing for a film as opposed to nerd sat at home pleasuring oneself with Adobe software.fadein11
- vectorize a prop from a movie, slap a logo on it, collect FB likesscarabin