skin tones

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  • Stugoo

    Guys I'm in a pickle, I really need some print advice.

    I'm working on a portrait of a friend and I cant get the flesh tones to work. I'm feeling the inexperience with this creeping up on me as I mostly use more cartoony style colours with this sort of thing. However I'm always getting it wrong.

    I've looked at pin up style illustrations, and photographs of her to pull out the colour values; but I keep getting them too grey as if she looks dead, or too tanned like shes been in the sun for a month. Shes portuguese and has a Mediterranean colour. But I'm saturating them out too much.

    I need three tones. Base, light and dark.
    My main worry is that I will get the print back and the colours will be wrong.

    Has anyone has done something similar and can share a pointer so that I will have reliable tones when it comes to printing this thing?


  • ok_not_ok0