Israel bombing shit..

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  • GeorgesIV1

    a very good example of "problem, reaction, solution"…

    Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent
    To protect itself from Hamas rockets and tunnels, Israel is forcing tens of thousands of people out of their homes, turning their old neighborhoods into a no-man’s land.

    BEIT HANOUN, Gaza — This narrow strip of land that used to be called “the Gaza Strip,” already one of the more densely populated places on earth, is growing dramatically smaller. The Israeli military, relentlessly and methodically, is driving people out of the three-kilometer (1.8 mile) buffer zone it says it needs to protect against Hamas rockets and tunnels. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the buffer zone eats up about 44 percent of Gaza’s territory.

  • benfal990

    Israel destroyed the power plant in Gaza. Now they have no electricity.

    • must have been terror-electricityGnash
    • Israel bombed a number of the junction points early on, 90% have had no power the whole timeautoflavour
  • ********

    "Dear Israel,

    You need to know that your latest onslaught in Gaza guarantees that as a nation, you will be loathed and reviled by growing numbers of people around the world. No, not because you are jewish- that doesn’t come into it, but because you murder civilians in their 100s with your high-tech weaponry. Because you have burnt little children, blown their limbs off, killed their parents, their brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

    You have destroyed their homes. Because you fire flechettes at human beings, because you use DIME bombs in densely crowded civilian areas, you have rained white phosphorous down on a school, you have killed disabled people in their residential home, killed sick people in intensive care when you bombed a hospital. You bombed a UN school where women and children had taken refuge and then lied about it. You bombed a playground on the first day of Eid Al Fitr, a festival akin to Christmas. That was your present to the little children who played on a roundabout in their new outfits, now wrapped in sheets in their graves. Again, you sent out your propagandists to lie.

    Since you destroyed the infrastructure of Gaza in 2008-2009, you have never allowed it to be rebuilt, leading to no sewage treatment, poor water supplies, sporadic electricity – in short you have made people’s lives as hard as they can possibly be. Relentlessly. You shoot farmers and fishermen who are doing their best to fight off poverty and fend for their families. You have done all these things and so much more, and then you lie to the world, trying to depict your victims as perpetrators, when it is you.

    You are the occupying power, you are the aggressor. You bully the policy and decision makers and use political influence to ensure that your version of events is the one that is repeated, as if it were the truth. But you are not fooling us all, and you will pay for your crimes in the international criminal court – of that I have no doubt.

    Call me an anti-semite and I will laugh at you as I know it is untrue, you will not shut me and others like me up. We will continue to speak out.

    We will boycott your products, we will call out with millions of voices around the world for divestment of funds from Israel and sanctions against you until you comply with international law, until you:

    1. End the occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantle the Wall
    2. Recognize the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
    3. Respect, protect and promote the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.

    We will struggle against our governments and institutions that are complicit in your crimes until you find yourself alone.You can change your path. You can stand for rights, for justice, for humanity. I hope this is the choice you make. But in the end, the choice is yours."

    • they bombes 2 UN school now.
      Nice letter btw
  • ukit20

    The U.S. political situation is an important part of this. Without American backing, political and military, Israel would be forced to back down and work out a peace deal - which is what everyone including the U.S. gov claims they want in the first place.

    The U.S. political backing is contingent on public support for Israel which is only possible because of the way the issue is reported in that country. Therefore something that seems trivial, like breaking the U.S. media bias in favor of Israel, is actually critical to bringing about peace.

  • sea_sea0

    "Palestinian Teen Farah Baker Live Tweets Nighttime Bombardment in Gaza"……

    • christ...ohhhhhsnap
    • poor people. i cant imagine the stress...benfal99
    • they have never know any different. Israel has been stealing their land since the 40's.Kiko
  • futuremongolian0

    Another fucking school hit. Fuck Israel.…

  • ohhhhhsnap0
    • cutting makes it look quite fake.futuremongolian
    • it's from a satire TV showfuturemongolian
    • are you sure futurem. ? what satire?ohhhhhsnap
    • ah i do see it nowohhhhhsnap
    • Pretty decent impression of his voice thoughukit2
    • not sure what is more sad, this video and that it makes 1 question it's validity or...ohhhhhsnap
    • Jesus, People.detritus
    • < what I often imagine Jesus would say if he came back.
  • BusterBoy0

    ^^ please tell me you were joking...right?

  • Kiko0

    Enough Said. Media controlling, pussies.…

  • GeorgesIV4

    plz stahp

    • that city is completly destroyed... geezbenfal99
    • how can this not be a crime?ohhhhhsnap
    • it is
    • but no one will report it because the US is ruled by zionists. Your banks, your government, your politicians.Kiko
    • i don't vote :/ (i know) and i have a credit union, no big bank. can't wait to move somewhere else.ohhhhhsnap
    • how's italy?ohhhhhsnap
    • thought this photo was fake for a second. gives me flashbacks of 9/11.ohhhhhsnap
  • benfal990

    If any other country attacked civilians as much as Israel does now, the international community would take action and it would be criticized by everyone. There is only Israel can do that without being bothered.

    Everyone is afraid to get involved and let the U.S. handle it.

    It is a disgrace to Humanity.

  • dconstrukt-2

    wonderful opinions...

    if hammas lay's down their weapons... we have peace.

    if israel lay's down their weapons... we are wiped off the face of the earth.

    When terrorists are launching missiles daily into the US or wherever you live, then lets talk.

    When terrorists refuse peace talks, and continue to launch missiles at you, then let's talk.

    People are talking about the loss of life and it sucks... NO ONE win's when people are at war... no one.

    But think about this... hamas are using schools to store missiles... homes to store missiles...

    And lets not talk about the tunnels... what if they kidnapped people? then what?

    could you imagine what the US would do if this happened on US soil?

    hammas don't care about the people. They get so much money in aid from other arab countries... what have they used it on? Schools? hospitals? infrastructure to help their people?


    on weapons... missiles... guns...

    Wonderful people.

    Tell me ...what other country does a military operation and CALLS the people at home telling them to leave before hitting the target?

    and dont believe all the media you're reading... any video clip or photo can be made to say anything... things aren't really what you see. :)

    • oh dear
    • all this is a reason to kill childrens? You're a winner.benfal99
    • But... its not a fair comparison to say what if it happens on US soil though.ian
    • they need to accept that all their land belongs to Israel. They stole it fair and square.
  • microkorg0

    "let the U.S. handle it"

    Erm, aren't all the weapons being used by Israel supplied or funded by the US?

    The US will do nothing to stop this.

    • again, i didnt chose the good word. I wanted to say that only US are involved in the process.benfal99
  • dconstrukt-4
  • dconstrukt-4

    @ benfal99 - to respond to your retard comment. I dont kill anyone, nor if you read my post, condone it... and hamas, the terrorist organization actually fired the missile to the school... and are responsible for this.

    get your facts straight.

    @ Ian - ya.. it IS a good comparison.. because people don't comprehend this until it hits them square in the face on THEIR home country.

  • dconstrukt-4

    lovely people hammas are... this is what israel is trying to stop and what these tunnels are used for... watch this hammas video and then discuss.…

  • ********


  • benfal990

    dconstrukt, the thing is not to imagine what if this or what if that... the thing is to look at whats happening for real right now in real life.

    Yes Hamas is a plague, but with all the technology and ressources Israel have, Iam pretty sure they could have manage to think of a better plan to target the Hamas more precisely... Because for now they're killing mostly innocent civilians.

    Israelians hates Palestinians so much, they get up at night to hate them. They're not destroying their city and killing them innocently. They hate them. They want them to leave the place for ever. They want to show them so much violence that they will want to quit. Israel is happy to have the Hamas i think, it gives them all sorts of reasons to bomb the Palestinians.

    Fuck all of this.

    Iam gonna be Benfalistic here and say that once again it shows how much Human race have failed. We can't get along togheter.

    • It's not the human race it's a few select people as always. The rest of us aren't interested in war.
    • the Humanity is a whole. You can't split it up in categories.benfal99
    • benfa99 - you mean israel teaches their kids to kill and hate like hamas teaches palestininan kids to kill and hate jews?dconstrukt
  • sine0

    sanction Israel.

    i grew up in a country where the only thing that ended apartheid was the pressure of international isolation and sanctions.

  • ********

    "The U.S. political situation is an important part of this. Without American backing, political and military, Israel would be forced to back down and work out a peace deal - which is what everyone including the U.S. gov claims they want in the first place.
    The U.S. political backing is contingent on public support for Israel which is only possible because of the way the issue is reported in that country. Therefore something that seems trivial, like breaking the U.S. media bias in favor of Israel, is actually critical to bringing about peace."

    you're 100% wrong on this. maybe because you don't incorporate the israeli perspective in your conclusion at all.

    without the US support (the one and only dependable ally israel has), israel would feel even more isolated, even less secure, even more threatened and would react accordingly. no US support would mean more violence. the less israel can depend on international allies, the more radical its defense to hamas attacks will be.

    on the other hand, if the US pulled its support, israels enemies would feel even more emboldened to attack, stepping up military and PR campaigns. this again would mean more violence from not only hamas, but also hizbollah, ISIS, arab states even. israel would strike back 10-fold, more carnage.

    you don't recognize that from israels perspective, when they fight hamas they're de-facto fighting against the whole arab world, all the regimes in the region (including supposedly friendylish regimes like egypt, saudi; where the majority of the population is decidedly anti-israel/anti-semitic of course).

    to them it's 6 million jews vs. 370 million arabs. plus millions of east asian muslims. plus the rest of the world that is anti-israel, including the UN.

    you don't seem to understand their national identity. to be the only safe place for jews in the world, "never again". israel always had its back against the wall, now more than ever except maybe 1948. if anyone is under siege it's israel. from their perspective this is about their national survival.

    so maybe want to think about pushing them further. they can't back down much more.

    maybe a good part of the reasoning for US support of israel is that they want to avoid at any cost the situation where israel would be in a position where they would feel inclined to use their last resort, nukes. at least one time.

    so, for less violence, what the world needs to do, is to adress israeli security concerns, israel needs international support, reassurance of international community, not the opposite.

    • I really disagree. With unlimited backing from the world's most powerful military, Israel has zero incentive to negotiate.ukit2
    • negotiate. Right now there is nothing putting a check on their actions.ukit2