Israel bombing shit..

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  • benfal990

    Money is, again, the center of all this mess.

    Sadly for the children being murdered. It's a question a money.

  • lowimpakt0


    Israel admitted to firing a shell into the school so be careful when you tell people to get their facts straight.

    After trying to deny it they are claiming that the school was empty at the time.

    Why fire a shell into an empty school? weak propaganda…

    • no... read the news and the links I posted on the previous page... hamas fired the rockets dude...dconstrukt
  • ********

    no it's not at all about money.

    it's about the arab world not being able to accept the existance of a tiny non-arab state among them. israels excesses, radical islamists excesses, countless wars, the current escalation, the settlement issue, the blockade, the dead children, all that isn't israels fault. these things are the direct consequence of the inability of the arab nation to make peace with history, to accept reality. it's not even that much about religion, it's about pride and about eternal anti-semitism. palestinians are only the pawns.

    • pffftChristian
    • true but there's a huge game of political-money on going beside that.benfal99
    • *bullshit~ cough cough... excuse me.
    • utter shite

      no cough needed
    • wtfmoldero
  • lowimpakt0


    other arab states aren't attacking israel and Hamas has previously said they are willing to nullify their charter and recognise the right of Israel to exist.…

    The only problem is that these spokespeople for Hamas are either assassinated or thrown in and out of jail by Israel.

    to deflect all blame back to an "inability of the arab nation to make peace with history" makes no sense whatsoever.

    700,000 palestinians we're evicted in 1048 to make way for Israel and there has been a constant programme of illegal occupations and forced settlements.

    The radical zionists and hamas militants need to be taken off the stage,

  • bliznutty0

    so lets say there is this one bad guy standing in a large crowd of people..

    Israel would shoot up the entire crowd, killing 40 innocents, and the 1 bad guy - then cheer that justice was served

  • ********

    "other arab states aren't attacking israel"

    you cannot be serious.

    who do you think is funding hamas + the other radicals? you think this is only iranian money and what hamas diverts from EU, UN, US funds? arab states are neck-deep into the militarization, apart from indirectly escalating the situation with political attacks and their refusal to acknowledge israels basic right of existence. if the arab league wanted peace, there would be peace. don't know how anybody could argue with that.

    • sorry yes, i wasn't clear enough. Hamas receive external funding in the same way Israel is the largest beneficiary of US military aid.lowimpakt
    • military aid.lowimpakt
  • ********

    Why can't people just accept that Israel stole the land fair and square. If the Palestinians would understand this, then they could just have peace and allow the Jews to take over the rest of their land without the loss of anymore people. And if anyone disagrees with this, then you should look at the Torah. It says the land belongs to the Jews. 500 years ago it once did belong to us. But now Jews control America and can siphon as much money as needed to fund Israel. It would be sily for the Palestinians to fight for what they believe is right. Just bend over for peace already. PEACE GOD DAMMIT! – Israel

    P.S. - Check out our new Summer collection at Victoria Secret and customize your next high performance computer with Windows 7 at Hewlett Packard

    • Jews control America? Tin foil hat conspiracy theorist...
    • You're right, they only control all the financial resources, which doesn't grant them the minds of the people.
    • until you realize you have to eat.
  • lowimpakt0

    bliznutty - it is known as the Dahiya doctrine.

    This is how it is described in this UN report (page 24)

    "62. The tactics used by the Israeli armed forces in the Gaza offensive are consistent with
    previous practices, most recently during the Lebanon war in 2006. A concept known as the
    Dahiya doctrine emerged then, involving the application of disproportionate force and the
    causing of great damage and destruction to civilian property and infrastructure, and suffering to civilian populations. The Mission concludes from a review of the facts on the ground that it witnessed for itself that what was prescribed as the best strategy appears to have been precisely what was put into practice. "…

  • ********

    "other arab states aren't attacking israel"

    1948. 1967. 1973.

    ganging up against tiny israel with the explicit intent of annihilation of israel. getting their asses kicked, complaining about unfairness even today.

    the only lesson they learned (exception: egypt, which made peace and got its land back) was that they can't tackle israel militarily, they still try to destroy israel, only now by proxy via PR war using pal children.

    • I meant attacking now. they might argue that the funding is legitimate defence against the illegal occupationslowimpakt
    • poor tiny israelChristian
    • isn't palestine tinier?Gnash
    • it is nowlowimpakt
    • it is and keeps getting swallowed by poor tiny israelChristian
  • moldero2

    where can 1 send money to help support Hamas?

    • حركة المقاومة الاسلاميةmoldero
    • just pay your taxesyurimon
    • that's the other sidemoldero
  • lowimpakt0

    the main issue for me with 1948 was that 700,000 people were expelled from their homes (or fled) to make way for israel.

    we're seeing the near term impacts.

  • moldero4

    " Why do people support the Palestinians? "…

    jesus fucking christ

  • ********

    yes you're right about that. that's what started it. that was a tragedy. the original sin. this sucked for the pals, they didn't deserve this.


    you have roughly the same amount of jews that had to flee, for the same reasons. nobody would even think about demanding their land back or giving them and their descendants a right to return. no pity, no nakba.

    you have countless examples of ethnic displacements, where for some reasons everybody accepts (including the victims) it after some time, as a consequence of war. for some reason not in this case.

    i think i posted before about the displacement of 17 million germans, königsberg, sudetenland, etc. who would seriously call their descendants refugees today? 30 million german refugees? demand real estate back? only in this case.

    nakba was 65 years ago. there's hardly anyone alive anymore that was actually displaced. the fact that the UN grants every descendant the status of 'refugee' may be international law, but it's still completely absurd.

    the reason again is, that nobody in the arab host countries wants to accept israel and the arab countries don't want to make the refugees citizens ('apartheid' for the human rights crowd). if your grandfather and father were born in a lebanese 'refugee camp' you're not a refugee.

    israel today is about 6 million jews, 2 million arabs. to allow 5 million arabs into israel to live there, to "return" to a place that most of them have never been to, would mean the end of the state of israel, instantly.

    if someone seriously demands right of return, they either don't know what they're talking about, what that would actually mean. or they simlply don't accept israels right of existence, want it destroyed. then they should simply say so, makes the discourse easier.

  • lowimpakt0

    sorry, i'm rushing my posts. The issue of the expelled 700,000 is in the context of the wider injustice against the jews.

    the only decent option on the table imo is a two state solution and I believe there is enough middle ground on both sides to make it happen.

    aside from the obvious demands, I think the zionist programmes of illegal occupation (e.g. birthright programmes, lone soldiers etc) need to stop.

    I'm an athiest so I think any human division along religious grounds is nutty so I am very biased to overly rational solutions.

  • ********

    "poor tiny israel"
    – Christian

    yes it is.

    6 million vs. 600 million.

    it's a miracle that they got this far, that they survived beyond 1948. again and again, against all odds. if you like the underdog, that's israel.

    what they made out of absolutely nothing, how far they came is really impressive. maybe you should read it up, so you actually understand where they come from when they bomb gaza. what israel is as a nation.

    i expect you though to prefer being ignorant and believe in good vs. evil fairy tales instead, in the primitive hollywood bullshit that you're being fed. so that you have something to hate upon, like every other regular retard here.

  • prophetone0

  • ********

    "aside from the obvious demands, I think the zionist programmes of illegal occupation (e.g. birthright programmes, lone soldiers etc) need to stop. I'm an athiest so I think any human division along religious grounds is nutty so I am very biased to overly rational solutions."

    I agree completely, rationally there's no reason why they couldn't co-exist. 2 state possible, but 1 state impossible because of israels self-understanding.

    regarding religion, there's some weird shit with the religious component in israel, it's not as clear as on the arab side, things like secular zionism, minority of deeply religious or orthodox jews in state of israel. even if it's the jewish state, it's more like a multi-cultural thing, multi-religious thing, more heterogenic than the arab side.

    maybe more a orient vs. occident thing, clash of civilization thing that I see, not a clear jews vs. sunni thing.

    where we don't agree is about who's to blame, and about the flexibility that israel has or doesn't have.

  • utopian1


  • ********

    they believe in the very same god you utter retard.

  • utopian1