Israel bombing shit..

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  • ********

    "you're saying it's hypocrisy that the world doesn't accept Israel's brutal and inhumane war against Palestine.. i mean, if Iraq can be inhumane then why can't Israel too?! ..poor fella, whining until his point doesn't even make sense"

    no that's not what I'm saying.

    what I'm saying is that you're not honestly concerned about people dying, dead children. that your concern is fake. that you are dishonest. dead children are only a concern to you as an outlet for your prejudice.

    same goes for arab league, UN members that condemn israel, UNHRC goes without saying, one-sided human rights groups, anti-israel demonstrators, erdogan, qatar, iran, the majority of the media and so on. dishonest. hypocrites. they might have political reasons as well, unlike you, but I don't know if that makes it better or worse.

  • ukit20

    The comparison has two sides to it. The U.S. and Israel supported the rebels in Syria (which ISIS was in some cases fighting on the same side with). They supported violent resistance to take out a state they didn't like, an effort which it looks like has now failed and backfired spectacularly. So violent resistance against an oppressive government is justified and cheered on by the U.S. and Israel in some cases apparently. In other cases it becomes justification for bombing schools and hospitals and killing hundreds of children.

  • ********

    what I don't get is why iran, iraq, hezbollah don't bury the hatchet with israel for the time being, so that they can concentrate on salafist terror. strategically they're natural allies against sunni domination.

  • lowimpakt0

    it is pure fantasy to say that people that are concerned about what is happening in Gaza are not concerned about what is happening in Iraq or elsewhere.

    ISIS overrunning Iraq is directly related to the failed war waged by the UK and US in Iraq and these were subject to some of the largest protests in history.

    ISIS don't have embassies, don't receive billions in western aid, don't have public support from western governments. ISIS don't claim to be a functioning democracy and don't demand to be treated as such.

    Many of the same people protesting agains the illegal blockade and invasion of gaza were protesting against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • ohhhhhsnap0

  • ohhhhhsnap0

    TL in another thread (the Useful Thread)

  • IRNlun60

    imagineallthepeople, my take is how visible this is to everyone. Unless someone has vilified their enemy so deeply that they can't even relate to them on a human level, everyone is going to have a visceral reaction to the sight of a dead child. I can only see this from an American perspective, but it's the main reason why the media was practically silenced during the Iraq war. A lesson the American military learned during the Vietnam war. Limit media coverage. Having said that, I feel it's a awful strategy because it makes the public blind to how dehumanizing war is, never learning the consequences, making it all the more easy to support war in the future.

    Random question, are they televising whats happening in Gaza on Israeli media? Is there a left-wing media that's opposed to this? I've read that there's somewhere around 90% support from the Israeli public. I have a hard time believing that number would be so large if people were seeing the death.

  • lowimpakt0

    this last few weeks we've seen attacks on hospitals, disabled shelters, ambulances, refugee camps, schools, etc.

    now crazy scenes from the market that Israel bombed today - obviously the press are kicking off as a journalist was killed.

    • iam speachless after viewing this video.benfal99
    • Nice Precision Bombing Israel. Very well done. Bunch of Zionist Occupying Murderers. Keep doing what your doing. The world is opening their eyes to what your policy is really about.pedroatqbn
  • ********

    "it is pure fantasy to say that people that are concerned about what is happening in Gaza are not concerned about what is happening in Iraq or elsewhere."

    - compare post count in this thread with post count in syria threads
    - compare gaza crisis TV coverage with syra/iraq TV coverage
    - compare number of demonstrations + attendance against gaza suffering with demonstrations against syrian suffering
    - compare number of UN meetings, UN appeals re: gaza with numbers re: syria/iraq, it's not even on the agenda anymore
    - compare number of attacks on salafist mosques with number of attacks on synagogues

    you don't see that there's something really off here?

    you really, honestly think the outrage would be even a fraction of what it is if it wasn't israel bombing gaza, but say an arab country? really?

    • it's because you are offering up a good debate. if someone from ISIS or a syrian faction was here it would be kicking offlowimpakt
    • this is nothing compared to the threads around 9/11, Iraq war etc. people were nasty angrylowimpakt
  • bliznutty0

    < imagineallthehypocrisy

    without realizing it, you continue to on-the-level compare Israel to ISIS, Syria, Hezbollah, etc.

  • ********

    "Random question, are they televising whats happening in Gaza on Israeli media? Is there a left-wing media that's opposed to this? I've read that there's somewhere around 90% support from the Israeli public. I have a hard time believing that number would be so large if people were seeing the death."

    sorry, don't know much about israeli media, i'm not an israeli, can't read hebrew. what I do know is that there is left-wing media in israel that don't go along with the pack. check out haaretz for example. their coverage is contrary to the official line, I would definitely call their reporting anti-israeli biased. can't tell how widespread their views are though.

    they do seem to have somewhat of a public opposition, conscientious objectors, people that are vehemently opposed to the uglyness of occupation and military engagements. pacifists. also a small number of members of parliament that are vocally anti-war/pro palestinian, I guess mostly arab MPs. I don't know for sure, but I would expect that these are only fringe groups, would be very suprised if not at least 75% of israelis wouldn't stand behind their gov and army during this time.

    I do think that pal civilian casualties are reported in israeli media, but perhaps not as much as in western media or arab media. however I doubt that anybody in israel doesn't know about the shredded children, but I guess they accept it as a consequence of hamas strategy and as the price that israel has to pay for defending itself.

    they also seem to be well aware about the international view on israel, but again, from their perspective it's unfair and doesn't make sense, so they can only shrug it off.

    maybe someone from israel can chip in to provide some real insight. I think addedvalium is listed with a tel-aviv location in his profile.

    • I assumed all this time that were Israeli...ukit2
    • * that you wereukit2
    • sorry, I assumed you were Israeli as well...IRNlun6
    • wait, you're not IDF?bliznutty
  • ********

    "I have a hard time believing that number would be so large if people were seeing the death."

    hm, I believe they are much more aware of the consequences of war, than you give them credit for.

    everyone went through mandatory military service, years of it. they are more militarized than any other western state. I guess that if you've served, especially in a real conflict, you know how ugly that is. and how you wouldn't wish that on anybody.

    they also must have a good memory of israeli shredded children from the 2nd intifada suicide attacks. their own carnage, 700 dead civilians. that's like 40,000 in US population. they also live with rockets as constant reminders of the war, not always as many as now, but the rockets were always there since they moved out of gaza.

    so I don't think they are gung-ho because of bad or biased reporting in israeli media, but because they feel genuinely threatened and feel they have to defend themselves.

  • ukit20

    You say Israeli doesn't care about public opinion but they rely on U.S. funding and political protection. It's not as if Israel is a completely independent power that can withstand international pressure and condemnation on its own.

    Israel has also showed a lot of arrogance towards its so called allies, such as meddling in U.S. politics and Netanyahu blatantly supporting Romney and other conservative politicians in the U.S.

    Interesting to look at public opinion, even in the U.S. it is only people above 50 who support Israel's actions. Also interesting to see the difference between whites who support Israel and everyone else who is opposed.

  • ********

    "You say Israeli doesn't care about public opinion but they rely on U.S. funding and political protection. It's not as if Israel is a completely independent power that can withstand international pressure and condemnation on its own."

    if I really said that, that's not what I meant. they do care, would be stupid not to, but they won't compromise their security interests, even if that would mean that they would completely on their own.

    state doctrine is to never again having to be dependent on anybody else for their security, that's what the state was founded for, raison d'être.

  • renderedred0

    The real conformism is embodied in the silent majority that tolerates obvious transgressions of the state. Thus, Israel is nothing more than the natural continuation of the National Socialist movement from the mid 20th century.

  • ********

    if you actually had an idea about what the NS movement was or what the NS state was you wouldn't make that comparison.

    • I actually do, but I'll let you define it :)renderedred
  • lowimpakt0

    the thing that disturbed me most about today's school bombing is that the implication is that the IDF warn people to leave their homes and then bomb the places where they seek refuge.

    intensely fucked up…

  • ********

    "I actually do, but I'll let you define it :)"
    – renderedred

    then make your point. I'm not defining anything, I only read a lot books.

    is it that the state of israel is a historical consequence of the ns movement which took over germany, which became the NS state which erased/displaced european jewery, which in effect made the realization of the state of israel possible? that I get.

    what I don't get is the 'continuation' part. that sounds like the state of israel took some ideological or methodological qualities that are distinct to the NS movement and is somehow applying these today, continuing them. picking up the ball so to speak. how? where's the connection? where's the similarities?

  • maquito0

    News broadcasts in my country speak about this war, as if it was a talk show, where undefined insurgents shoot and kill each other like monkeys in a conflict with no interests but religion nonsense and turbants.

    What the hell is going on? Is it still not clear that there are TRILLIONS of Dollars, United States Dollars, involved, and that Israel is nothing but a scum, and that ww2 genocide victimization does no longer cover their disgusting intentions?

    I fucking hate religion. I hate almost everything... YEAH, I hate. But this whole anti-conspiratorial vs. the fucking real stuff going on down there is gross. I don't give a fuck about any bible, but this is the beggining of the end of Judaism, sponsored by the United States and Israel itself.

  • ********

    disgusting intentions = not wanting to be shot at, not wanting to be infiltrated by terrorists via tunnels, protecting its own citizens from harm

    • same things a thief says to themselves when they're in your house raping your mom.