Israel bombing shit..

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  • formed0

    IDF let these tunnels be built, not that it would be easy to stop, but you think if you were worried about attacks you'd do more to prevent this.

    W/o the tunnels there wouldn't be much Hamas could do (their missiles seem mostly a joke, it's the fear the tunnels are inflicting that is a big factor - "soldier dragged back into the tunnel" - how can that happen? Talk about successful 'terror'.).

    Doesn't seem like IDF is doing a good job if that can happen so easily.

  • lowimpakt0

    Drop the illegal blockade and the tunnels may start to disappear.

  • dconstrukt-2

    lol.. you don't get it.

    they (hamas) are terrorists... they want to wipe us off the planet... they dont care about tunnels or even their own people

    • Oh look CNN has an anti islamic pro Israeli story!
    • Pretty sure its the Israelis who believe they have a God given right to the land.Kiko
    • everyone is a hypocrite., If the US support alqueda in Syria then why not US citizens support hamas.?yurimon
    • its the son of hamas leader speaking not CNN, i mean you cant bullshit your way out of this retard. he'sdconstrukt
  • dconstrukt-4

    powerful speech... by one of the sons of hamas leaders

  • pedroatqbn0

    George Says it like it is. Pretty Much it. Beat it Israel.

    • yupChristian
    • that kid isn't exactly doing himself or Israel any favours haha. Stupid fuck.
    • Galloway isn't a man you want to get into a debate with unless you know exactly what point you're trying to make..
    • Even then you're probably fucked.
    • I agree set. The kid couldn't debate worth shit, and Galloway owned him. However Galloway's facts are in order.pedroatqbn
    • Check out the debate he had with Christopher Hitchens about Iraq. Hitchens rips him a new one.
    • haha morningstar, you're funny. Go and suck Israel and the American governments cock somewhere else.
    • Sorry I thought you were the irrational pro Israel commenter in this thread, my mistake.
    • but you guys already suck american cock... every year.. hypocrites.yurimon
    • Are you suggesting I'm a hypocrite because of the actions of my government? Derp.
    • yurimon doesn't live in the US, apparentlymonospaced
    • I have no idea what yurimon's point is? kind of reminds me of the kid in Galloway's video. Clueless.pedroatqbn
  • Kiko0

    ‘This is all mine, this is my country and my land,’ man tells Arab homeowner.'


  • futuremongolian0

    Taken down, here's the cache


  • futuremongolian0

    That's gone too, here it is.…

  • ********


    *RING RING* ring ring ~ Hello?*

    "Hi, Mr and Mrs. Fu Gaza? This is a courtesy call from The Good Guys, warning you that we are going to come and destroy your house. Please pack your things, you've got 30 minutes to run. When you come back, you will be homeless so please pack everything that you will need. We are also offering a limited time insurance. Would you like to sign up for some home insurance now for 1000 Shekels? FYI, this does not cover missiles damages. No you didn't do anything wrong, but someone in your neighborhood did try to hit our bulletproof shield with a rock. Fortunately nobody on our end got hurt, but we're gonna unload a missile into your neighborhood."

    "But I cannot find my sons. I think they're out playing soccer at the beach. I have to go find them"

    "Don't worry maam, we'll dispatch a couple of boats out there to warn them. We should be able to get there in a couple minutes for you. It shouldn't be too hard to find a couple kids playing soccer out on a beach. We have well trained and professional soldiers who can spot these things. We will have boats waiting there for you and your kids. We hoped you enjoyed your stay. If you have any questions, please remember that we are The Good Guys. Have a nice day!"

    • Its designed this way, Just like the aristocrats planned wwwI, Bankers are planning WWWIIIyurimon
  • yurimon0

    Is This like the average person in America?.

    -Angry at the US for slavery before the civil war.
    -Buys stuff made by children and iphone made by slave labor conditions from foreign countries.

    -Opposes violence against children, innocent people with righteous fervor.
    -Chicken about doing something about it and contributes to it via taxes, support of the state, through his 401k, and consumer corporate patronage.

    -Hates isreal for occupying land
    -goes to starbucks that was once an American indian hunting, burial ground and takes a huge dump in its bathroom but to lazy to flush.

    -Hates christians for believing and waiting for a savior to bring peace on earth.
    -Waits or wishes for a charismatic leader or body of government to come and bring world peace. Finds refuge in expressing opinions on the internet.

    • -Trolls on the internet
      -Complains about anyone else's behaviour.
  • ********

    "George Says it like it is."
    - pedroatqbn

    – Christian

    so what right had britain to give away someone elses land?

    that's very simple. britain had authority over this land, as a quasi colonial power they were in charge due to the previous authority, ottoman empire, collapsing in WWI. it was britains decision to make, their right, because they were in charge. like it or not, there was nobody else to make a decision. if it was a good decision, or a morally just decision is very much debatable, but effectively irrelevant now. same goes for the UN decision to recognize israel as a state, what you think about that decision today is completely irrelevant.

    these questions are irrelevant today, only academic, because the state of israel is a fact, a reality. the state of israel is a fact since the fifties. there is a nation state now, it won't just disappear because you don't find it fair how it was created. in order to move on, you have to *recognize* that fact.

    george galloways mistake, and the mistake of the arabs, is that they can not wrap their heads around this reality. they do not *recognize* the reality of israel. they are in denial.

    1. Denial and Isolation
    2. Anger
    3. Bargaining
    4. Depression
    5. Acceptance

    after 65 years, still at step 1. maybe a good time to start dealing with it. at least if you prefer not to continue like the last 65 years.

    • Personally I feel that if the tables were turned it would be still a similar situation. the region crawling with assholes.yurimon
    • no matter what sideyurimon
    • You don't win a country from suffering a holocaust, dumbass. Go settle at the Reichstag.cannonball1978
  • yurimon0

    I think there is still a disproportionate distribution of anger. Killing children is terrible no matter what reason but mind you. Who is responsible? because when you say Israel is shit do you mean as a generalization, indiscriminately everyone in the country?
    Who is responsible?

    Psychotic leadership?
    People carrying out orders?
    Average person in Isreal? <- what is the consensus of the demographic and beliefs?

    There is so many variable interwoven into this dynamic.

    Where is this outrage going? anybody knows? what the purpose of you outrage if it will muted in a month when the news changes topics? Just seems like fucking distraction if you just rage for no without outcome or action.

    It just seems like another topic in front of your blinders in the media you access.

    • Like bunch of fucking grannies having tea and toast..yurimon
  • ********

    "Drop the illegal blockade and the tunnels may start to disappear."


    I don't understand how you can honestly think this is an option.

    if you look at the last 30 years, for every concession israel gave to the pals (and lebanon as well), the attacks on israel only continued harder, the situation for the palestinians only got worse. this is the proven dynamic of the conflict.

    how can giving another concession to hamas, in response to a violent challenge by hamas at that, make the situation not less secure for israel and by that less secure for the palestinian civilians. to give in now would virtually guarantee even worse conditions for both sides in the future.

    without a fundamental change in either hamas position or hamas offensive capabilites AND international security guarantees, israel has no choice but to continue pounding gaza. after today even harder than before.

  • ********

    here's how useful george galloway's position is in a debate about the conflict, looking for solutions. sticks to his point, does not get anything done.

    • I guess one should not negotiate with Israeli terrorists.
    • How is it racism?cannonball1978
  • lowimpakt0

    I'm not sure what concessions you are talking about. There has been a continual programme of expansion and illegal settlements.

    Leaving gaza wasn't a concession as it was a military occupation in the first instance and the withdrawal was followed by an illegal blockade and siege.

    Hamas has already said they agreed to the 1967 borders as was agreed.

  • yurimon0

    Am I the only one that sees the irony in the opposing side of israel is named the pigs rear end?. Ham Ass


  • ********

    "There has been a continual programme of expansion and illegal settlements"
    - lowimpakt

    not in gaza. the complete opposite in gaza. israel withdrew from gaza, and dismantled the settlements in gaza.


    "Leaving gaza wasn't a concession as it was a military occupation in the first instance..."
    - lowimpakt

    end of occupation of gaza, one of the things the pals demanded. israel gave them one of the things they wanted. pulled out, dismantled settlements. how is that not a concession?

    except if your argument is that it's not a concession if israel doesn't concede fully to all demands. all or nothing, right.

    the radicals saw it the same way btw, they thought of the withdrawal as military victory, not as a concession. not as a proof of good will.

    this is exactly why israel can't make any concessions now.


    "the withdrawal was followed by an illegal blockade and siege"
    - lowimpakt

    yes, a whole three years after israel left, israel closed the borders because they were continuously attacked, harder than before the withdrawal. they had to block the inflow of weapons somehow.

    if you don't recognize the rationality of that decision, maybe think about how much more children would die now, if hamas were armed better.


    > you don't make sense. all you do is blame israel.

    • the occupation ended in 2005. sanctions started in 2006. illegal blockade started in 2007. hamas to blame for many thingslowimpakt
    • right from the start I stated outright that Hamas need to stop firing rockets.lowimpakt
  • Fax_Benson0

    George Galloway? Things really are fucked.

  • ********

    "George Galloway? Things really are fucked."


  • pr20

    Americans don't want Israelis to look bad. If Hamas can send "rockets," Israelo-Americans will show them what real rockets look like (paid by mine and yours tax dollars of course):…

    • yeah but when i say shit like this im trolling. ha!yurimon
    • true that