recent vinyl finds

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  • Gardener1

    I've dug up some more postcard / soundcard records, mostly European.

    Released in 1973 to celebrate 500 years of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

    An English greetings card featuring a previously unknown tune called Somebody Loves Me played by the pre Thunderbirds composer Barry Gray and his Quintet.

    A pair of Italian Fonoscope cards.

    Issued by BP in 1958 for European Touring Service, this one is for Holland.

    This is a beautiful German one featuring the song Why Do The Stars Shine So Brightly Tonight? by Maria Pittrich.

  • Gardener7

    I picked up a great score of mid 70's Sri Lankan singles this week all of which sound really delightful and it's a music genre I'd no previous knowledge of. All 6 were in the same 50p box and some are previously unknown, at least from my online searching. The top one in particular I could find nothing about it anywhere, not even the label - perhaps someone knows more?

    This fellow does have a lot of releases with his albums being particularly scarce, this pic sleeve EP is previously unknown and there were 2 of his discs in the box.

    I love the record shop stamps in Sinhala script on the front and rear too.

    A 4 track EP by Amaradewa & Neela released in 1976 on Silverline.

    • You, my friend are like the Madlib / "crate digger" of QBN AND I'm here for it.

      : )
    • aww taaGardener
    • damn, them are some good jamsscruffics
    • That Desmond de Silva song is pretty cheeky.pusherbot
    • Sweet payoff at the end tooGardener