Star Wars Episode VII

Out of context: Reply #173

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  • ETM0

    A couple points that keep coming up:

    "I thought the empire was destroyed at the end of Jedi..."

    If you think about it, you really can't imagine a galaxy spanning empire would be totally destroyed because it's leader and it's half built, yet fully operational battle station was destroyed... again. That be like someone taking out Washington DC and everyone assuming the entire US collapses just like that. A huge blow, a power vacuum sure, chaos, but a chance for recovery... if at less former glory.

    "That new sith lightsaber is stupid looking..."

    No opinion yet, but I thought the lore is that that saber was some sort of sith relic and of an old design, which is why the blade is so crude looking. Maybe so old they were't that good at refining the crystals yet or something... but knowing the Internet, that may all be wrong.

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