
  • Anders

    <a href='' >STUKA</a>
    It's my party and I cry if I want to

    Apr 16, 030 replies
  • Anders

    A nostalgic bunch of images over at <a href='' >selfsameness</a>
    It almost makes you want to go browse through your own familiyalbums. Maybe the…

    Apr 16, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >Copy</a>
    home of <a href='' >DIY</a> and <a href='' >Schönwehrs</a>

    Tons of good stuff

    Mar 31, 030 replies
  • Anders


    <a href='' >Rodeo 27: Issue 03</a>
    <a href='' >Antitext</a>

    Go dig in the PBS
    for more good stuff >>

    Mar 31, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >The Alchemy Website</a>
    Poke around in the galleries for some interesting alchemical imagery.

    Mar 27, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >Project George</a>

    Mar 24, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >a-linha</a>

    Mar 22, 030 replies
  • Anders

    'I don't think we've seen any cinema yet. I think we've seen 100 years of illustrated text.' - Peter Greenaway

    Mar 22, 030 replies
  • Anders

    Curt Cloninger's <a href='' >REbranding</a> of several websites. Quite funny.

    Mar 21, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >soylent green is people!</a>

    Mar 20, 030 replies
  • Anders

    What designers love
    contributor: <a href='' >Studio Von Birken</a>


    Mar 19, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >point taken</a>

    Mar 17, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >Gianmarco Lorenzi shoes</a>
    No blondes, but extremely clean site + a little honey on top.
    (made by <a href='' >Canenero advertising</a>)

    Mar 17, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >one</a>
    <a href='' >two</a>

    Mar 17, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >Well, there you go</a>

    Mar 17, 030 replies
  • Anders

    The worst thing a designer can do is to mistake himself for an artist.
    The majority of graphic design IS featuring a tall blonde …

    Mar 16, 030 replies
  • Anders

    The ad for the gas company is great, but the question for today is:
    does it sell gas? will it make us rich? and why is a tall blo…

    Mar 16, 030 replies
  • Anders

    Go watch some trailers from Matthew Barney's <a href='' >The Cremaster Cycle</a>. Don't be fooled by the site design, just take your time, go in there. Be inspired.

    Thanks, <a href='…

    Mar 13, 030 replies
  • Anders

    <a href='' >MVRDV</a>
    <a href='' >Beauty</a>

    Mar 11, 030 replies
  • Anders

    Who told you I like weird stuff? ANTISTAR. This site is Futureproof.
    site constructed at http://www…

    Mar 11, 030 replies