- Baskerville
Rivers Vs Howe
Did anyone catch this on radio 4?…
it was pretty funny, poor libby caugh…
- Baskerville
Anyone heard good things about any new films being shown at the London Film Festival, what should I go and see?
Should be some …
- Baskerville
Acoustic Baby
Ok, calling all guitarists (I know there are tons here)
I want to buy a 'baby' acoustic guitar (for travelling- business trips …
- Baskerville
The little beachball of doom has been appearing a far too much for me today, our servers must be screwed.
What does everyone el…
- Baskerville
Has Anyone...
Every heard of this new concept called Intelligent Design? It sounds very interesting, it would be great if some people could disc…
- Baskerville
Wow, that is one of the best pieces of visualied information design I have seen for a while.
Obviously some globes are more inter…
- Baskerville
The Game Never Stops
Just discovered this song by the Mentalists on my hard-drive in a random place - wondering what it was, must have downloaded it wh…
- Baskerville
I know there are lots of threads on this but...
PSP is launched in london today. Do I get one or is it a huge waste of money? …
- Baskerville
Barclays Ad…
Why do advertisers need to rely on shock tactics instead of being truly creative thes…
- Baskerville
Chocolate milk
just wanted to say that I hope all the londoners are enjoying their free Marks & Spencers chocolate milk - there is a coupon in th…
- Baskerville
UK Type designer?
Does anyone know the name of a uk type designer, he has done a lot of corporate typeface redrawings, really nice work. The only ty…
- Baskerville
Store naming
As part of project I'm working on branding a store that sells beads/jewelery to fashion designers/amateur... I need to come up wit…
- Baskerville
dotted lines in illusrator
Hey guys,
Does anyone know how to convert a dotted line path in illustrator into its constituent dots. ie so each dot is an indiv…
- Baskerville
RIP Tommy Vance
OMG I just heard. Apart from being a great rock dj he was the father of one of my old school friends. Sad he died so young and out…
- Baskerville
Noam Chomsky
Radical left wing polemicist or highly intelligent linguist, a bit of both or should he just shut up?
- Baskerville
8 crazy nights
In the interests of maintaining NT as a haven of multiculturalism I just wanted to wish all NTers who celebrate Chanukah (hannukah…
- Baskerville
Band Aid 20 – iTunes
I just read this morning that Apple want to sell the 'Band Aid 20' single for 79p like all their other songs instead of the £1.50 …
- Baskerville
John Peel's funeral - RIP
John Peel's funeral has started today. It sounds like a fitting funeral for a man who was loved by so many accross the generations…
- Baskerville
Tomato: what's the big deal?
I don't get why everyone loves Tomato. I saw John warwicker talk at the weekend at the Barbican, their website sucks!
- Baskerville
Question Time UK
Before you say anything, I know this could be deemed a topic for the Politics thread but it's really more about tv.
Ok, I'm goi…