
  • CX

    getting print work

    How do you guys escpecially freelancers get most of your print work? Word of mouth, ads, going up to companies and talking to them…

    Sep 26, 033 replies
  • CX

    OSX Panther

    I need to upgrade to OSX eventually. Should I just wait for Panther to come out?

    Sep 26, 035 replies
  • CX


    Have you used it? Is it worth it? Any cheaper alternatives?

    Sep 25, 033 replies
  • CX

    print design ?s

    Do most print designers all find 1 or 2 good printers to work with?

    It seems it would be good to get in good with a print comp…

    Sep 25, 039 replies
  • CX

    The Sopranos

    Eh, eh, eh. big fan, big fan, Anyone else really into it?

    Sep 25, 0318 replies
  • CX

    asp ?

    Whay am I having trouble using Request.Form in a SQL string?

    EX: strSQL = "SELECT * FROM reports WHERE title = Request.Form("ti…

    Sep 25, 0313 replies
  • CX

    using stock photos

    If you use stock photos for your clients:

    Do they pick out new ones for each project and add them into the budget (buying them …

    Sep 25, 038 replies
  • CX

    apple dvd player

    I have OS9. My apple dvd player is very buggy especially after I put a new DVD-RW/CD-RW drive in it. The main thing is its always …

    Sep 25, 034 replies
  • CX

    The Hobbit

    Anyone read this book? Im reading it now and its fascinating. I love it. The english seems much more sophisticated than what we us…

    Sep 24, 0352 replies
  • CX

    HardDrive Crashed

    A while back I made a thread that my hardrive was clicking. Today I got on my Mac and my entire new harddrive and any related fold…

    Sep 24, 038 replies
  • CX

    ASP contains

    Is there an equivelant in ASP to ColdFusions CONTAINS?

    As in IF whatever CONTAINS "nt" Then do whatever

    Sep 3, 034 replies
  • CX

    Flash Justify Text

    Anyone know why sometimes in Flash my text wont justify?

    Sep 3, 030 replies
  • CX

    bluetooth phones

    Any of you using wireless phones with bluetooth or similar technology? Is it useful or are you doing anything cool with them?

    Sep 2, 0319 replies
  • CX

    Mac IE Cache

    Anyone know why I cant get to my cache files? Its all in some file in my cache folder called cache.waf. When I click it theres an …

    Aug 30, 039 replies
  • CX

    making canvases

    Any of you guys make your own canvases? I'm thinking about it because I want to do some large scale paintings. Any other cheap alt…

    Aug 22, 037 replies
  • CX

    xp taskbar

    At my families house their task bar just totally disapeared. How can I bring it back?

    Aug 13, 034 replies
  • CX

    asp ?

    Im doing a small project in ASP but have never used it before. Noone else here knows it either.

    Anyone know why my error still…

    Aug 13, 0311 replies
  • CX

    Happy Designer…

    What did you think of the article? Also, do y…

    Aug 12, 0311 replies
  • CX


    Can you please list what design competitions or sites accepting submissions that you know are going on right now?

    Jul 14, 0310 replies
  • CX

    personal websites

    Is it me or does it seems like most personal design sites have shifted from wild net art type of stuff with varying formats say li…

    Jul 10, 0316 replies