- CyBrainX
25th Anniversary
Let's plan to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of QBN next year.
List your suggestions.
- CyBrainX
AI Developer job posting
I wonder what prompted this. https://lindemanassociates.apply…
- CyBrainX
Leia Pix 3D/AI Platform
This can convert captured images into 3D with this system based on AI with hardware, software and online community.
- CyBrainX
3D Render Farms
Do you have a favorite you're happy with? My company is using Rebus. I've heard you can't even use MoGraph in your scenes and that…
- CyBrainX
Photoshop Q: .xmp files
How do I stop Photoshop from creating those trashy, annoying files?
There used to be a preference to embed stupid sidecar fil…
- CyBrainX
I've been here 20 years
Old as I am, This is more than a third of my life languishing in other people's squabbles, memories of FMT, chicks of the day, a g…
- CyBrainX
Recommend a video production company
I'm looking for a recommendation for a studio that does corporate videos that are primarily skilled in live action and editing. Th…
- CyBrainX
Does anyone remember?...
Does anyone remember a project someone shared that used live action liquid video as a material in 3D that flowed along the surface…
- CyBrainX
The FUCK ADOBE! thread has been broken for months. New posts disappear.
Air your grievances here.
- CyBrainX
New CIA logo…
It must be new logo week.
- CyBrainX
Adobe Illustrator Question
In Windows, how do you put just ONE LAYER in outline mode?
On a Mac you can command click the eyeball icon in the layer pallet…
- CyBrainX
How do I get to QBN's promised land?
Does access require a QBN Pro membership?
- CyBrainX
Adobe Media Encoder Q
Adobe's weakest "program" doesn't seem capable of cropping an area of interest using their cropping feature. I made sure to use th…
- CyBrainX
New PC for 3D/Motion
I've never used Windows in my life but it's unavoidable fate for Cinema 4D users interested in adding Redshift or Arnold to your s…
- CyBrainX
Adobe Illustrator
Is there any way to create an Illustrator template (.ait) or any other method to get a setting that's yours when you create a new …