- CyBrainX
Adding Gradients to an Adobe CC Library
It must be possible to add gradients to an already existing Adobe CC library but I'm out of ideas. I'm in Illustrator and have a f…
- CyBrainX
Any people from Singapore?
My company has an office there. Due to obvious events in the U.S. where I've lived my whole life. I'm considering leaving.
- CyBrainX
Adobe CC 2017?
I see they bypassed the yearly August/September upgrade, made it available this week and called it CC 2017.
Has anyone upgraded…
- CyBrainX
Livestream lower thirds
Does anyone have experience with animated lower thirds or adding any kind of animated graphic to a Livestream event. I know you ca…
- CyBrainX
Anyone have AirPods?
Hate aside, not having wires snag every random object near me is appealing.
Has anyone sampled them?
I like the idea of the …
- CyBrainX
iPhone Q: deleting photos
How can I delete a large amount of photos from my phone? I don't want to tap and delete thousands of times.
I want to do this …
- CyBrainX
Cinema 4D: can't move anything
All of a sudden I can't move anything on screen. The only way I can move anything is by changing numbers in the object manager. I …
- CyBrainX
Q: convert to large mp4
I have an uncompressed Quicktime video file. It's 5400x1920 and will be played on a video wall installation. I was able to convert…
- CyBrainX
Cinema 4D: disappearing swatches
I recently discovered the joy of color swatches in Cinema 4D. I put a bunch in my startup file. (new.c4d). The problem is they dis…
- CyBrainX
Cinema 4D: texture alphas
Sometimes I really get stuck on the basics after all these years. How do you get an alpha channel to actually make something trans…
- CyBrainX
C4D NURBS not working in editor
Something went awry in CD4 R17. I can put an object in a subdivision surface and have it render properly but it won't work in the …
- CyBrainX
After Effects gradient along path
The Googles have failed miserably with this. Here is what I'm trying to achieve.…
That's …
- CyBrainX
Cinema 4d reset "axis points"
My question relates to all points in ONE OBJECT, not a bunch of objects. I connected two objects using the Stitch and Sew tool and…
- CyBrainX
C4D motext alpha Q
I'm trying to get an alpha transition with motext. This would be the equivalent to one of those after effects text transitions whe…
- CyBrainX
Photoshop type tabs
Why is it you can copy and paste type from Illustrator to Photoshop with all your tabs nice and pretty but you can't edit them any…
- CyBrainX
video download extension
I used to love the Video Download FVD extension for Chrome. It's been banned by Google.
Is there anything else out there that …
- CyBrainX
Vimeo uploading and compression
Do you upload compressed video files? Vimeo, and YouTube for that matter compress movies after they're uploaded. Should I upload u…
- CyBrainX
Photoshop Layer Comps malfunction
I have a PSD with about 12 layer comps. Some of the layers in some of the layer comps move to random positions when I come back to…
- CyBrainX
AE CC2015 open in low res issue
Does anyone have this issue in After Effects 2015?
I don't want my 100% previews in comp windows to look half size so I checke…
- CyBrainX
Alternative to Evernote
I like Evernote for keeping my passwords and various info but it's really going downhill fast in the last year or so. The constant…