- CyBrainX
InDesign conversion please?
Can someone save this file down to InDesign CS5 for me?
I'm stuck with CS5 here.
- CyBrainX
C4D question
How do I get rid of this white selection box. Can't find the answer anywhere.
- CyBrainX
Cinema 4D R14 coming soon
They must never sleep. These new modeling tools look insane. I just hope they sped up the physical renderer. I'm not fond of waiti…
- CyBrainX
Magnavision LaserDisc Player
Logically, I should get one of these.
- CyBrainX
AE type/layer styles/animation
My problem is that the layer effects are being rendered after motion blur and even basic movements, so there's an unintended effec…
- CyBrainX
After Effects can't pan in composition panel
After zooming out pretty far, something got stuck and I can't pan in composition panel. I can't even see anything unless I'm zoome…
- CyBrainX
Adobe workspace file location
I'm reinstalling my Master Collection CS6 on Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4. Where can I find a file for the workspace/keyboar... shortcuts? …
- CyBrainX
Browser font mangled
What can I do to prevent this from happening to my browser font? (Mac OSX 10.7.4, Chrome 19.0.1084.53) So far I think this only h…
- CyBrainX
Anyone test this out in person? It's only available for pre-order so far. This seems great for situation…
- CyBrainX
Animated Gif on a Mac
I used to be able to get a decent results with Photoshop CS5 but CS6 craps out slow playing gifs even if I set every frame to 0 se…
- CyBrainX
Adding music to iPhone/new computer
I'm surprised this is such a mystery but how can I add music to my old iPhone from a new computer? I authorized the phone on the n…
- CyBrainX
Downloading MacOSX Lion
I'm in the App Store program (desktop version, of course) and clicked the price button which turns green and says Buy Now. I did t…
- CyBrainX
Video Mosaic software for Mac
Anyone know of software that can create VIDEO like this effect:
- CyBrainX
Cinema 4D physical renderer
This only applies to version 13. Have you guys noticed how much the physical renderer kills your computer?
With physical render…
- CyBrainX
C4D timeline
How can you get view of your f-curves for the keyframes on the right? Is this just a glitch in the program or am I missing somethi…
- CyBrainX
Key Frame Animation, 1971
The potential role of the computer in field of film animation is promising indeed.
- CyBrainX
5RPM spot, directed by Ironman director
Anyone know what studio did this?
- CyBrainX
C4D: I'm an idiot
I duplicated this tutorial
and the cloner objects collide on top of the topless box as …