- grafician
"We're heavy drinkers, you can't afford it"
- bainbridge
Salt Lake, Utah
Any recommendations for things to see?
- javierin
Design = strategy
Design isn't just seen, it's felt and experienced. It often shapes businesses, how they connect, grow, and scale. Working with Con…
- microkorg
Sell Physical Artwork
I'm looking to start selling my art as prints or canvases.
I'd like it be a print-on-demand service that delivers worldwide.I…
- Fax_Benson
Designing for Amazon KDP / Kindle
I've got to put together a big industry insider-tips / guidebook type thing for release as a PDF download, Kindle and Kindle Direc…
- Salarrue
How to hide user replies on QBN
Life’s too short to engage with trolls – let your feed be filled with real conversations, not bots and noise. I built this with ChatGPT, …
- mooserokka
Can you remove the background from this image?
Hi. I need the background removed from this image, and I need you to provide the transparent version with the background cut out. …
- redneck
Grafician Hate Why?
I don't get the hate.
He runs several agencies, and gives us stock tips, we should be praising this man.
- cannonball1978
Engagement Ring
I trust the level of taste here, so I was wondering what process you all have gone through in buying an engagement ring? I live in…
- neverscared
Codename Krasnov
lets make sure this thread is already up... when the plot gets thicker and sicker…
- mg33
Large scale printmaking?
Looking for some suggestions for how to approach large-scale printing, probably giclee type prints on cardstock type of paper.
- cherub
When clients don't pay.
How do you force yourself to be nice to them?
Any tips? I'm new.
- srhadden
Rock venues UK (north-ish)
Howdy again bastards
reposting this separately to lure in more rockers
We're looking to do a small tour in the UK in the fal…
- srhadden
Rock venues in Italy
Ciao bastardos
reposting this separately to lure in more rockers
We're looking to do a small tour in Italy in the fall. Woul…
- cannonball1978
Time tracking software and tools
Anyone got a line on good free or cheap time tracking software?
- srhadden
Alternative rock venues in Italy & UK (and southern Europe)
Howdy bastards
We're looking to do two small tours in the UK and Italy in the fall
We have a gig opportunity in Hull; Do…
- canoe
Printers in Las Vegas
Instead of toting 350 lbs of brochures to Vegas, we're going to print in the city and pick up. Does anyone know any good printers …
- canoe
What the Font
I lost two computers since I made this brochure... and probably smoked 4 oz of weed since then too, ha
What typeface did I use…