- Ginja
Work Nicknames
What nicknames (at work) have you given to people and why? Or whats yours and why?
We call a guy THRUSH because he's an annoyin…
- Ginja
MIT Disco Dance Floor
1,536 LEDs, 128 square feet, 4,096 colors, 30 frames/second, 20,000 hand-soldered connections.
- Ginja
One of those questions
Why is it, that when you hear a recording of yourself, it doesnt sound like you to you, but you still sound the same to others?
- Ginja
Newbie XML question
How do you comment in XML
- Ginja
lat long xml map plot?
anybody know of a good flash app that uses lat/long, working via an xml file.
all i got so far is:…
- Ginja
Xbox to PC/MAC Adap
Hey all, I have 20 Xbox to PC/MAC Adapters that I am to lazy to put on eBay.
Details of item:…
- Ginja
XML Question
Is it possible to use XML as a database that is searchable and will return results only using keywords that are set?
If so, lin…
- Ginja
MSN in the work place
Does anybody know of a client for MSN Messenger that will run on a tight office network from a USB pen drive?
- Ginja
New Digital Phone System
So my office is moving to a new building and I have the pleasure of programming the phone system that is all "new" and digital. I…
- Ginja
PHP Enviroment???
Does anybody know of a program to run on Windows that will replicate a PHP enviroment so I can test site designs?
- Ginja
Anybody... script...???
Anybody know of a script for ranking links.
I'm after a very simple link ranking script (php/sql preferably) that uses text for…
- Ginja
FREE Diet Lemon Coke for all!!!
Just went for a break on my 12hr shift.
If your in London and about to goto lunch take a walk to Primerose St behind Liverpool …
- Ginja
There might be only one way to look at photos, but there are an infinite number of ways to organize and present them.
This is one…
- Ginja
Disaster in Asia - Interactive Flash Map
Kevin Airgid has created this great interactive map about the disaster in Asia for CBC News online. Link from PixelSurgeon.
- Ginja
I want iCal on PC
I would love to use iCal. Is there anyway of getting it to run on a PC.
Or is there a program for the PC that is near on identi…
- Ginja
Does anybody remember...
Does anybody remember this site.
It was a link on PixelSurgeon ages ago. It had some .mov's that the person had made of a char…
- Ginja
Requesting help on finding a bag
I'm after the Salomon Daylight 180 bagpack in black/swamp colouring.
I've tried all the stores I know in the UK and they can't …
- Ginja
I helped my boss, now I need help
Stupidly I offered to help my boss when he said his PC didn't work.
I have since for my troubles recieved the same boot sector …
- Ginja
Get Your Bootleg On v3
Today was the day GYBO v2 died. Thank the lordy v3 was born.
Enjoy some superb bootlegs from Dunproofin, Lio…