- Gucci
Music Suggestions
Can anyone suggest some upbeat dinner music on the jazz / big band tip?
- Gucci
Stuff in your Food
Any stories about weird shit you've found in your food? Hair? Bandages? Fingers?
- Gucci
Happy vs. Sad
Which are you?
- Gucci
Classic Games
I found myself playing Wonder Boy for the Sega Master System for about 5 hours on the weekend with my fiancee.... fucking classic…
- Gucci
Typeface Suggestion
Hey guys, I'm at odds with a client over typeface selection for something i'm working on at the moment.
I'm currently using Whi…
- Gucci
Cold Calling Crazies
Have you freelancers ever had someone call you out of the blue and offer you a project? How'd it turn out for you....?
I had a …
- Gucci
Newstoday: The Lost Posts
We've all cowered in fear and hit the cancel button.
Expurgate no more.
- Gucci
Useless Posts
Add this startlingly useless post to the pile, please.
- Gucci
St. Patty's Day
Please post drunken ramblings here.
- Gucci
Play it Loud
Name the best songs to play REALLY loud.
I'll start:
at the moment it's Wet Sand by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Gucci
Unorganized Clients
How do you deal with people who have no plan and no clue?
How do you lessen the burden and line these guys up so they don't mak…
- Gucci
The Office Shit Thread
What is your plan of attack when taking a dump at the office?
- Gucci
Question to Brits
When growing up in, or permanently moving to England, are you "English" first, and whatever else second?
For example: Lets say…
- Gucci
Bollywood vs. Brits…
Any of you Brits know what the heck these people are talk…