- Gucci
MC hammer says:
Mc Hammer is a friend to all animals unless they get in his way... then he slaps up they bitch asses.
Add a tagline as you see …
- Gucci
_Rename me
My name isn't cutting it for me anymore.
- Gucci
Office sayings
someone sees me more than once in the same day:
"you're following me, aren't you?"
- Gucci
I came into work....
this morning, and I find my e-mail which I close every night before I leave...wide open.
Now, I asked around, and it seems my b…
- Gucci
Osama...taken down?
radio reports suggest it.
interesting thought....don't think it'll change much of anything in the world today though, or aven…
- Gucci
Today my 9 month old neice made me smile.
- Gucci
Flash Help, PLEASE!!!!
I'm trying to launch an .exe file from flash. This thing is going to be a projector file that's running from a peecee cd......anyb…