- Gucci
260 horsepower man
- Gucci
Your Moustache
Are you growing one for Movember? so ... post some pics. If I could grow facial hair, I'd do it.
- Gucci
Setting Long Copy
When setting long blocks of copy, what do you base your spacing after a paragraph on? Leading? Point size? Do you eyeball it?
- Gucci
The Shittiest City Closest to where you live
What is it?
Closest to Toronto, it's probably Hamilton.
Discuss and post pics if you've got em.
- Gucci
The Lottery
What's your biggest win ever?
Mine's 50 bucks.
- Gucci
ghost stories
Seeing as it's halloween and all - go ahead. make the collective QBN shit its pants with your stories.
- Gucci
Call of Duty 5: World at War
Nov 11 is the release date.
Which of you bitches is buyin' it?
- Gucci
Good Newsletter design
Do any of you lovely bastards have some samples of good newsletter design handy?
I love you all and I'll give you buttsecks if …
- Gucci
Wrong Lyrics
How have you butchered the lyrics to songs?
I know a dude that thought Rihanna was singing a song about Serbia.
Any others?
- Gucci
Rights Ready Images...?
What's the difference between rights ready and royalty free ... in layman's terms.
- Gucci
Internet Classics
I'm feeling nostalgic.
Post up famous or infamous pics or videos of internet lore.
Let's keep shit out of it. If you must, a…
- Gucci
Swearing at Clients
I once had a client point the ink side of his pen (like it was a lazer pointer) at my PowerBook screen and then proceed to poke it…
- Gucci
Birds into windows
the sound f it makes my skin crawl. i had the displeasure of hearing it today.
what sounds drive you crazy?
- Gucci
Complaint Letter
I'm writing one to an airline about a shitty flight I had.
Do any of you curmudgeony bastards have tips on how to write an effe…