
  • Justin

    <a href='' >This</a> by Eun-Ha Paek of <a href='' >Milkyelephant</a> fame, is the funniest thing ever.

    <a href='' >This</a> is a very close second. Klaus and his extremely da…

    Sep 25, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >Letterror</a>

    Sep 23, 020 replies
  • Justin

    Really like the shirts for sale on this site:

    <a href='' >Braveland</a>

    Sep 19, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >Studiosoi</a>

    Nice animation piece [click on the rabbit's right ear, then watch the 'Bunnies' movie.

    Sep 19, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >vanquish hate</a>

    Cure yourself of war-fever, brothers.

    Sep 18, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >MaHAH! Hah!</a>

    It took them a year to make the 'new logo'. Gotta love 'designers'. Thanks to Bluejam in PBS, almost spit my cof…

    Sep 18, 020 replies
  • Justin

    Some of ya might be getting a message from or thinking about submitting to <a href='' >Zooworld</a> magazine in the near future, well, word of cau…

    Sep 16, 020 replies
  • Justin


    <a href='' >HORT®</a> will learn ya, for real! Go check the recent work, sick! SICK!

    Sep 16, 020 replies
  • Justin

    Submit graf photos to <a href='' >The Vapors</a>

    Sep 14, 020 replies
  • Justin

    For print designers who use Illustrator:

    Adobe updated/fixes it's Pantone® swatch libraries, download the fix <a href='' >@ Versiontracker</a>

    Sep 13, 020 replies
  • Justin

    Gotta push this link back up:

    <a href='' >COUDAL</a>

    Go see the site, real quality, esp. the 'Slowtron' <a href='' >piece</a> about <a href='' >Andy Mueller</a>

    Sep 6, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >Sign Generator</a> by <a href='' >Norm</a>, as seen in the 'DIK:Permanent' book.

    It even generates an .eps, like wow!

    Aug 28, 020 replies
  • Justin

    Schweet Wipeout® <a href=';id=150' >icons</a> at <a href='' >Iconfactory</a>.

    I wish I had OSX.

    Aug 27, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >Greyscale</a>

    New poster available @ <a href='' >Derush</a>

    Aug 22, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >EVAQ</a>

    Nice site, be sure to see the 2kshirts in the design section, and I esp. like some of the 'digital' pieces in the art sec…

    Aug 14, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >The Chairman Smiles</a>

    Tons and tons of posters

    Aug 14, 020 replies
  • Justin

    Mikey wants you to quit smoking...

    ...and buy one of his <a href='' >shirts too</a>.

    Aug 12, 020 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >SkateboardCollect...</a>

    Whatever 'bout the site design, but the shit is so fun to see.

    Aug 8, 020 replies
  • Justin

    Crazy ass new commercial work by <a href='' >Psyop</a> for Lugz:

    <a href='' >QT movie [7.8mb]</a>

    Download it if you have DSL, it's worth your time.

    Aug 8, 020 replies
  • Justin

    Double Woah!

    Inside the lions mouth looking out, <a href='' >Stefan Gruber</a>

    Aug 4, 020 replies