
  • Justin

    <a href='' >*kiss*</a>

    May 28, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >Detroit Techno Exhibit</a>

    If you are in or near Detroit, go to the Detroit Historical Museum and check out the exhibit, I wasn't …

    May 28, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >SwishNYC</a>

    Nice logo, and check out that MPC ring!

    May 28, 030 replies
  • Justin

    New Someoddpilot port. website:

    <a href='' >" The drummer in Timeout Drawer is HOT!"</a>

    May 22, 030 replies
  • Justin

    You need to hook up some of these Gas Books @ the Shift Factory, approx $25 US each:

    <a href='' >Here's the Link</a>

    May 6, 030 replies
  • Justin

    A well designed [would you expect anything else] e-zine by Herman Miller, although with my crappy old CRT, I find it difficult to read text on-screen for any length of time at all:

    <a …

    May 6, 030 replies
  • Justin

    Hi, Happy Earth Day.

    If you have any used empty ink cartridges, you can take them to <a href='' >Office Depot</a> and have them recycled AND th…

    Apr 22, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >Hot little book</a> by <a href='' >FAFI</a>

    Apr 16, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >STICKERNATION</a>

    It's back again

    Apr 1, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >Jigsaw</a>

    Nice face

    Mar 31, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >How beautiful, and how fragile it is</a>

    Mar 30, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >Studio Soi</a>

    Imaginative motion from Germany

    Mar 26, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >'Bummer'</a>

    [direct link to QT by Mike Mills]

    Also, go <a href='' >here</a> and check under the 'MM' file for more films

    Mar 26, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >60 Seconds</a>

    an interesting looking project plagued by some very sketchy navigation/popups... :/

    Mar 24, 030 replies
  • Justin

    Really fascinating little <a href='' >photobooks</a> from Mao's China circa 1960

    Mar 23, 030 replies
  • Justin

    New schtuff over at:

    <a href='' >EVIL DESIGN</a>

    [I am suspicious that they are not actually evil, but that's just me. I think they're pre…

    Mar 21, 030 replies
  • Justin

    Help search for E.T., from your home [or office] computer:

    <a href='' >SETI @ HOME download</a>

    Now also for OSX!

    Mar 19, 030 replies
  • Justin

    <a href='' >remotectrl</a>

    Nice works, I like the 'mantra' desktop too, on the frontpage.

    Mar 17, 030 replies
  • Justin

    Perfect Emigre link, Anders!


    <a href='' >This artist</a> is a designer.

    <a href='' >This designer</a> is an artist.

    We are what we make of our…

    Mar 17, 030 replies
  • Justin


    A tall blond and a catchy slogan is NOT design, I have to respectfully disagree.

    <a href='' >This</a> is though.

    Mar 16, 030 replies